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15. Grammar. The Gerund. See Grammar Reference.

Grammar tasks

Task A. Translate the sentences into Russian. State the functions of the gerund.

I'm sure we should go on making the experiment. As well as devising the Playfair cipher Charles Wheatstone invented the Wheatstone bridge. One starts performing the encryption by locating the two letters from the plaintext into matrix. The other approach to concealing plaintext structure in the ciphertext involves using several different substitutional ciphers. It is the periodicity of the repeating key which leads to the weakness in this method. Decryption is simply the reverse of the encryption process using the same secret key. When decrypting a route cipher, the receiver simply enters the ciphertext into the agreed-upon matrix. For encrypting elements of a plaintext made up of more than a single letter only digraphs (two successive letters ) have ever been used.

Task B. Find the gerund and the Complex Gerundial Constructions. Translate the sentences into Russian.

They announced that no one had chance of cracking the cipher. Wheatstone's inventing the cipher made development of substitution ciphers. They insisted on the encryption being made. It may be easier to remember this as the plaintext letters being at two corners of a rectangle. He succeeded in cryptoanalyzing running-key ciphers. The Greeks being the inventors of the first transpositional cipher wrote the first work "On the Defense of Fortifications". The first European manual on cryptography, consisting of a compilation of ciphers, was produced by Gabriele de Lavinde of Parma. Herbert Yardley organized and directed the US government's breaking of the codes during and after the First World War.

Task C. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Я не намерен здесь больше оставаться.

2. Извините за беспокойство.

3. Думаю, он способен справиться с этой работой.

4. Я всегда интересовался проблемой защиты от несанкционированного доступа в Интернете.

5. Проект имеет целью разработку политики безопасности Интернет.

6. Спасибо за помощь.

7. Вибрируя в одном направлении, фотоны поляризуются.

8. Мы знаем, что Томко предложил разрабатывать повторяющиеся ключи на основе биометрических данных.

9. Использование портативного шифрующего устройства позволяет защитить информацию, хранящуюся в компьютере.

10. После обнаружения вируса антивирусная программа удаляет его.

11. Существует много примеров вирусов, заражающих компьютерные программы.

12. Результатом этого анализа является определение уязвимости, которая может увеличить частоту или влияние угроз на целевую среду объекта.

13. Мы ждали завершения оценки безопасности.

16. Communication

You’re going to have a job interview. Get ready for it. Prepare your resume, CV and short video presentation. Point out your academic skills, work experience, career plans.

17. Writing. Resume. Read the variants of resume and write your own one. See Appendix 3.



Make sure you pronounce the following words properly:

iris ['aɪərɪs]   

misconception [ֽmɪskən'sepʃən] 

employee  [ֽemplɔɪ'ɪ:]

legacy ['leɡəsɪ]

guideline ['ɡaɪdlaɪn]  

proprietary [prə'praɪətərɪ] 

encompass [ɪn'kʌmpəs]  

paramount ['pærəmaunt]

Memorize the terms

1. Read the following terms and their definitions and memorize them:

external risk - risk of breaking security outside, e.g. by unauthorized users not involved in the work of the enterprise

internal risk – risk of breaking security inside, e.g. by the staff of the enterprise

malware – software created by malicious users

one-time password – password that is used only once

outsourcing – transfer of some business functions or some parts of a business process of an enterprise to an eternal contractor

reusable password – password that is used several times without changing it

security breach – malicious actions directed to getting unauthorized access

security outsourcing – engaging outside resources for solving problems of information protection

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