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14. Translate into Russian the following paragraph.

Serpent is an AES submission by Ross Anderson, Eli Biham, and Lars Knudsen. Its authors combined the design principles of DES with the recent development of bitslicing techniques to create a very secure and very fast algorithm. While bitslicing is generally used to encrypt multiple blocks in parallel, the designers of Serpent have embraced the technique of bitslicing and incorporated it into the design of the algorithm itself. Serpent uses 128 bit blocks and 256 bit keys. Like DES, Serpent includes an initial and final permutation of no cryptographic significance; these permutations are used to optimize the data before encryption. Serpent was released at the 5th International Workshop on Fast Software Encryption. Serpent 1 resists both linear and differential attacks.

15. Complete the text by translating Russian phrases given in brackets.

The use of public key cryptography is thus conceptually simple. But two immediate worries may spring to mind. A first concern is that although (1 взломщик, перехватив закодированное послание Эллис) will only see gibberish, the intruder knows both the key (Bob’s public key, (2 который доступен всем) and the algorithm that Alice used for encryption. Trudy can thus mount (3 выбранную атаку текста), using the known standardized encryption algorithm and Bob’s publicly available encryption key to encode any message she chooses. Trudy might well try to encode messages, or parts of messages she chooses. Trudy might well try, for example, to encode messages, or parts of messages, that she suspects that Alice might send. Clearly, if public key cryptography is to work, (4 подбор ключа) and encryption/decryption must be done in such a way that it is impossible (or at least so hard to be impossible for all practical purposes) for an intruder to either determine Bob’s private key or somehow otherwise (5 расшифровать или угадать) Alice’s message to Bob. A second concern is that since Bob’s encryption key is public, (6 любой может отправить зашифрованное послание Бобу), including Alice or someone claiming to be Alice. In the case of a single shared secret key, the fact that the sender knows the secret key (7 косвенно устанавливает отправителя). In the case of public key cryptography, however, this is no longer the case since anyone can send an encrypted message to Bob using Bob’s publicly available key. Certificates, which we will study later, (8 необходимы для того, чтобы соотнести человека и конкретный открытый ключ).

16. Translate into English

Хотя существует много алгоритмов и ключей, обладающих этим свойством, алгоритм РСА (названный в честь его разработчиков Р. Райвеста, А.Шамира и Л.Эйдмана) стал практически синонимом криптографических систем с открытым ключом. Рассмотрим сначала, как работает алгоритм РСА. Предположим, Боб хочет отправить зашифрованное сообщение. РСА состоит из двух взаимосвязанных компонентов:

– выбора открытого и закрытого ключа,

– алгоритмa зашифрования и расшифрования.

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