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Guided_Grammar I-II.doc
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II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. I asked my friend to help / help / helping me with the washing-up.

2. I’d like to invite / invite / inviting you for dinner.

3. She enjoys to be / be / being alone.

4. It makes her to feel / feel / feeling calm.

5. We decided to go / go / going to the cinema.

6. Peter asked Pam to stop / stop / stopping crying.

7. He told her to concentrate / concentrate / concentrating.

8. But she continued to weep/weep/weeping and didn’t want to hear / hear / hearing anything.

III. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя известные вам глагольные модели. Например:

Why have you bought milk and flour? – I’ve bought it to bake a cake.

1. What did you go shopping for?

2. What are you going to Moscow for?

3. Why should we hurry? (not be late)

4. Why aren’t you eating anything this week? (get thinner)

IV. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя известные вам глагольные модели. Например:

What is interesting for you to do? – It’s interesting for me to read books.

1. What is easy for you to do?

2. What is important for you to do?

3. What is difficult for you to do?

4. What is necessary for you to do?

Unit 10 C

I. Use the appropriate verb pattern and/or verb form.

  1. I enjoy (listen) music.

  2. There was a lot of traffic but we managed (get) to the airport in time.

  3. I’ve never been to Iceland but I’d like (go).

  4. Her parents wouldn’t let her (go out) alone.

  5. Hot weather makes me (feel) tired.

  6. She doesn’t like (do the ironing).

  7. She told children (stop talking).

  8. I was asked (be) careful.

  9. Let him (do) what he ants.

10. His jokes always make me (laugh).

II. Complete the following sentences.

  1. I / happy see you again.

  2. Important / consult a dictionary.

  3. Impossible / sleep in such noise.

III. Answer the questions using infinitives of purpose.

  1. Why have you entered the university?

  2. Why did you borrow 1000$?

IV. Choose the correct form of an adjective.

1. I was disappointing / disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better.

2. Are you interesting / interested in football?

3. The football match was quite exciting / excited. I enjoyed it.

4. I didn’t find the situation funny. I was not amusing / amused.

5. It was a really terrifying / terrified experience. Everybody was shocking/ shocked.

6. Why do you always look so boring/ bored? Is your life really boring/ bored?

7. He’s one of the most boring/ bored people I’ve ever met. He never says anything interested/ interested.

V. Adverbs. Complete the sentences using following adverbs.

Seriously, quickly, properly, patiently, suddenly

  1. _____ it started raining.

  2. She fell _____ ill and was operated.

  3. You should do it _____. Try to do it according to the rules.

  4. She was explaining the situation_____ for the 3rd time.

  5. Get out, _____!

Unit 10 D

I. Complete the dialogue with use, used to, use to

-Do you want a cup of tea, Jane?

-No, thanks. Can I have coffee?

-But you 1._____(not like) coffee. You 2._____(drink) tea.

-I’ve changed my life style. I 3._____(not put) salt in my food. I 4.______ (eat) a lot of cornflakes.

-No, I (not 5.______) this teapot. Take another one. I 6._____small one.

-You ______ (7.not collect) teapots.

-Yes, I 8.______ (hate) everything connected with kitchen

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