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Guided_Grammar I-II.doc
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II. Your friend is going to get married. You’ll be maid of honour. Ask about the groom and the ceremony.

1. When /start/ going out?

2. Where/meet?

3. What/like most of all?

4. Meet his parents?

5. Like them?

6. How often/ keep in touch with the parents?

7. Where/ have a ceremony?

8. Where /go for honeymoon?

9. What kind of dress /have?

10. His age.

11. His occupation.

12. His present activity.

13. Where / live?

III. Fill in the articles where necessary.

1. What is ____ name of ____ hotel you’re staying in? -____ Imperial. It’s in ____ Queen Street in ____ city centre. It’s near ____ station.

2. I have two brothers. ____older one is training to be ____ pilot. ____younger one is still at ____school.

IV. Translate into English.

1. Иногда я становлюсь ленивым.

2. Работа не привлекает меня.

3. Я звоню друзьям и приглашаю их куда-нибудь погулять.

4. Я хорошо знаю (в хороших отношениях) повара одного из ресторанов.

5. Там я и устраиваю встречу.

6. Мы заказываем цыпленка, фруктовый салат и безалкогольные напитки.

7. Обычно мы уходим из ресторана в 11.

8. Но в прошлый раз мы ушли в полночь.

9. Мои друзья очень заботливые. Они никогда не оставляют меня одного.

10. Мы проводим вместе много времени. Я хотел бы устраивать вечеринки каждую неделю.

Unit 6 A

I. Построите вопросы с is, are, was, were, do, does и did.

1. What ____ your teacher like? – She is strict and intelligent.

2. What ____ your teachers at the school like? – They were kind and helpful.

3. What ____ you like most of all? - I like chocolate.

4. What ____ you like when you were a child? - I liked cherries.

II. Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.

early, few, beautiful, big, pretty, crowded, little, nice.

III. Построите предложения c asas и than.

Например:Your book/ thick/ mine. – Your book is as thick as mine. Your book is thicker than mine.

1. Taganrog / big / Novocherkassk.

2. He / intelligent /his father.

3. I live / far from the city centre / you.

4. He has / high points / his friend.

IV. Посмотрите на картинку и опишите как попасть в различные точки города:

1. From city hall to the tennis court.

2. Form Sax Brothers to the department store.

3. From the park to the cleaner’s.

4. From the police station to the drugstore.

5. From the bookstore to the library.

Unit 6 B

I. Постройте вопросы.

  1. What____ your uncle like? –He is very generous.

  2. What____ he like? –He likes traveling.

  3. What____ your nephew like? –He is a very talented young man.

  4. What ____ he like? –He is fond of programming.

  5. I’m looking for my book. –What ____ it like?

  6. What ____ the weather like yesterday? –It was so slippery.

  7. Did you enjoy the party? What ____it like?

  8. What ____ you like most of all?

II. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.

1. mean

3. outgoing

5. rude

7. happy

2. powerful

4. slow

6. deep

8. peaceful

III. Раскройте скобки, употребляя прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения.

  1. Which is (large): The United States or Canada?

  1. Moscow is (large) city in Russia.

  1. I am not (tall) as Alex.

  2. The island of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland.

  3. What is the name of (high) mountain in Asia?

  4. Ann is as (pretty) as Laura.

  5. Paula is (pretty) than both Ann and Laura.

  6. This is (beautiful) view I have even seen in my life.

IV. Вставьте предлоги along, to, out of, up, past, right, past, right.

The way from building A to hostel 4.

Go ____ the building, turn ____. Go ____ Chekhov Street ____ building B and shops____ Nekrasovskiy side-street. Turn ____. Go ____ Nekrasovskiy side-street Nekrasovskiy the café “555”.

Unit 6 C

I. Put the adjectives in brackets in the proper, form. Use much, a lot, a bit, a little where possible.

1. Can you drive (slowly)? You might be fined.

2. You look so exhausted. You should go to bed (early), eat (much) and work (little). I'm sure you'd feel (well).

3. I like having rest in the country. It's (peaceful) place in the world. It's (good) than going anywhere.

4. It was (exciting) and (pleasant) event in my life.

5. I think it's (good) way out of the situation.

II. Complete the sentences using as...as and than.

1. You are so stubborn. You are (stubborn) your brother.

2. The city centre is usually (crowded) today.

3. I am (good) singer (her).

4. The weather in Madrid is (hot) in Taganrog.

5. I live (far)-from the university (him).

III. What ... like? Complete the questions.

1. What (his girlfriend) like? - Oh, she's very intelligent and pretty.

2. What (she) like? - She is fond of coffee and chocolate.

3. What (your new house) like? - It's much bigger and more convenient.

4. What has he bought a new car? What (his old car) like? - Oh, it was as old as him.

5. What (your parents) like? - They are nice and friendly.

Unit 6 D

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