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Guided_Grammar I-II.doc
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14.3. Прочтите диалог между доктором и молодой пациенткой и дополните историю болезни, написанную доктором.

Doctor: Well, what seems to be the trouble?

Laura: I feel fine, but my parents are worried about me. They think I'm acting strangely.

Doctor: Are you sleeping well at night?

Laura: I sleep well, but I wake up very early.

Doctor: And what about meals? Are you eating normally?

Laura: No. I haven't eaten a full meal for a week. I never feel hungry.

Doctor: And has anything happened to upset you? A problem at school or perhaps at home?

Laura: It's not really a problem. But there's a new student at school and ... well, doctor, he's the most wonderful person I've ever met. He's kind, intelligent and so good-looking. I can't think about anything else. His name's Steve and he's got a motorcycle ...

Doctor: Well, young lady, I don't think there's really very much the matter with you.

Case notes

The patient said she (1)………, but that her parents (2)………. She said they (3)………. When I asked about her sleeping patterns, she said she (4)………, but (5)………. Her eating patterns are also irregular. She said (6)……… a full meal for a week and that she never (7)………. When I asked if something was worrying her, she said there (8)……… at school. My diagnosis is that the patient is in love.

14.4. Прочтите отрывок из письма Лауры к её подруге Сьюзен и закончите диалог.

I couldn’t believe it. He came up to me as I was getting on the school bus. He asked me if I was doing anything next weekend. I said I had to go out to lunch with my parents on Sunday, but that apart from that I didn’t have any special plans. Then he asked if I’d seen the new Harrison Ford film. I said I hadn’t, but that my brother had told me that he had really enjoyed it. He asked if I wanted to go and see it with him on Saturday night. And I said that sounded great. He asked what time I wanted to go to the movie and I said I thought 6.00 session was usually less crowded, so he suggested we meet at the cinema at about 5.45 and that we could have a pizza afterwards. I haven’t decided what to wear yet, but Nicky says I can borrow her new top.

steve: Hi, how are you?

laura: Oh, hi. Fine.

steve: Listen. I was wondering ... Are you doing anything next weekend?

laura: Well (1) … but apart from that (2) … .

steve: Have you seen the new Harrison Ford film?

laura: No, (3) …, but my brother (4) … .

steve: Yes, everyone says it's brilliant. Would you like to go and see it on Saturday night?

laura: That (5) … .

steve: What time do you want to go? At six or at eight?

laura: (6) … the six o'clock session (7) … .

steve: OK. Shall we meet at the cinema at about 5.45? Perhaps we could go for a pizza after the film.

14.5. Лаура пришла домой поздно после встречи со Стивом и её мама рассердилась. Прочтите их разговор и дополните запись в дневнике Лауры.

Mother: What's his name?

Laura: Steve.

Mother: Steve what? What's his surname?

Laura: I don't know.

Mother: Well how did you get to know him?

Laura: He goes to school.

Mother: What year is he in at school?

Laura: Err... I'm not sure. He's a bit older than me.

Mother: How much older is he?

Laura: A couple of years. I think he's about sixteen or seventeen.

Mother: I see. So he's a lot older than you. And where did you go?

Laura: I told you. We went to see a movie.

Mother: What time did the movie finish?

Laura: At about eight o'clock.

Mother: And what did you do after that?

Laura: We went to have a pizza.

Mother: How long were you in the restaurant? It doesn't take four hours to eat a pizza!

Laura: It took quite a long time to get home.

Mother: And how did you get home?

Laura: On Steve's motorcycle, but it broke down on the way.

Mother: On Steve's motorcycle! Listen my girl - that's the last time you go out with this Steve. Just think yourself lucky your father hasn't heard about this!

Dear Diary!

Mum is really angry with me. She says I’m not allowed to go out with Steve ever again and all because I got home a bit late. The next morning she wouldn’t stop asking me questions. Honestly it was just like a police interrogation! She asked me what (1)……… , and how (2)………. When I said he went to school, she wanted to know (3)………. I didn’t want her to find out that he’s eighteen, so I just said he was a bit older. But she wasn’t happy with that, she wanted to know (4)………. And then we started on what happened that night. She questioned me about where (5)………, what time (6)……… and what (7)……… after the movie. When I said we went to have a pizza, she asked (8)………. And of course she wanted to know how (9)………. When I told her Steve had a motorcycle, she nearly had a fit.

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