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4. Complete the sentences

1. London is…

2.London was founded…

3.The city is divided into…

4.The City is…

5.There are … in the City.

6. St Paul’s Cathedral is…

7.The Tower of London is…

8.Westminster is…

9.In this part of London we can see…

10.Buckingham Palace is…

11.10 Downing Street is…

12.Westminster Abbey is the place where

13. The West End is…

14. At Trafalgar Square we can see…

15. The British Museum contains…

16. Oxford Street is…

17. The East End is…

5. Name the sights of London

1.It is a part of London. It is commercial and business centre. The Stock Exchange, the Bank of England are there.

2.It is a historic building. It was built in the 11th century. It was used as a fortress, a royal residence and a prison.

3.It is the centre of government.

4.It is the place where all the coronations of the British monarchs take place.

5.It is the official residence of the Queen.

6.It is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. It is the symbol of wealth and luxury.

7.It is an art gallery in which you can find many old masters.

8.It contains a priceless collection of ancient manuscripts, coins, sculptures. It is famous for its library – one of the

richest in the world.

9.It is the main shopping area in London.

10.It is an industrial district of London.

11.It is the residence of Prime Minister.

6.Choose the correct variant.

1.London is divided into

a.two parts b.three parts c.four parts d.five parts

2.The commercial and business centre of London is

a.Westminster b.the East End c.the West End d.the City

3.The famous historic buildings of the City are

a.the British museum b.Big Ben c.the Tower of London d.St Paul’s Cathedral

4.Nowadays the Tower of London is a

a.prison b.museum of armour c.royal residence d.church

5.Westminster is the centre of

a.shopping b.industry c.tourism d.government

6.In Westminster you can see

a.the Houses of Parliament b.Trafalgar Square c.Buckingham Palace d.Big Ben

7.Westminster Abbey is the place where

a.the British Parliament seat

b.tourists buy souvenirs

c.coronations of the monarchs take place

d.people celebrate Christmas

8.The West End is

a.industrial part of London

b.historical part of London

c.the richest part of London

d.the most beautiful part of London

9.In the middle of Trafalgar there is

a.column b.column with a statue of Admiral Nelson c.museum d.gallery

10.You can find collections of ancient manuscripts, coins and sculptures in

a.the National Gallery b.the British Museum c.St Paul’s Cathedral d.the Tate Gallery

6. Speak about London


Great Britain is mainly an industrial country and most of the people there live in large cities.

  1. Manchester and Birmingham. Complete the sentences with the given words

live / cotton industry / capital / Great Britain / industrial / electronic equipment / places of interest / old / produced

Manchester is an industrial ____________ of the North of England. It’s a very ________city and the center of the _____________ as the climate of this city is good for producing cotton. In Manchester computers, ______________ , various machines and other things are made. It’s the third largest port in _____________. There are also ____________such as the Tower Hall, the Central Library, Manchester University, art galleries and cinemas.

Birmingham is another _____________heart of England. It’s the second largest city. More than one million people __________ there. A lot of motor cars, bicycles, radios, TV sets are ____________ in Birmingham.

  1. Cambridge and Oxford. Translate the sentences

Кембридж и Оксфорд – самые старые университетские города Великобритании. Их население состоит из учителей, профессоров и студентов. Многие великие люди учились в этих городах: Ньютон, Байрон, Дарвин и другие. В наши дни Кембридж известен как центр науки, где работают многие известные учёные.

  1. Edinburgh. Match the parts of the sentences

  1. Edinburgh is the capital of …

  2. About half a million people …

  3. It’s famous for …

  4. The Edinburgh International Festival is ..

  5. Leading musicians of the world and …

  • live in it.

  • held annually during three weeks in late August and early September.

  • world famous theatre companies always take part in it.

  • Scotland and one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.

  • its festivals, museums and libraries.

  1. Stratford – upon – Avon. Match the questions and the answers

  1. Where is Stratford – upon – Avon situated?

  2. What is this town famous for?

  3. How is the main street decorated?

  4. What do people wear?

  5. What do people do on the day of the anniversary?

  • Flags are hung in the main street.

  • People wear springs of rosemary in their buttonholes.

  • Every year the anniversary of the birth of William Shakespeare is celebrated in it.

  • They go to the church where everyone puts a wreath or flowers at the poet’s grave.

  • Stratford – upon – Avon is a small town in the center of England