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Учебное пособие по англ языку.doc
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5. Give the definition ( определение ) of “immunity”

Immunity is … .

6. Answer the questions

  1. What causes the infectious diseases?

  2. How may the infection result?

  3. What do the pathogenic microorganisms produce?

  4. What do the body cells produce to meet the infection?

  5. When does the recovery occur?

  6. How is an artificial immunity produced?

7. Fill in the gaps and tell what part the cellular elements play in the protection

  1. … also take part in the protection of the body against the infection.

  2. … usually produces leucocytosis.

  3. …surround the bacteria in the tissues and destroy them.

8. Make up the sentences






способствовать лечению болезней

установить искусственный иммунитет

9. Here is a short copy of the text about immunity. Use the necessary verbs to complete the story

  1. The invasion and growth of microorganisms in the body … infectious disease.

  2. Infection … from direct or indirect contact with the patients.

  3. Many pathogenic microorganisms … virulent poisons.

  4. Virulent poisons … the characteristic symptoms of a disease.

  5. To meet the infection the cells of the body … a chemical antidote for this particular infection.

  6. A sufficient amount of the antidote … the toxins.

  7. The recovery … .

  8. The toxin can be … from bacterial cultures and … into men.

  9. An artificial immunity … from the formation of antitoxin.

10. Translate into English

  1. Болезнь передается при прямом контакте.

  2. У организма есть способность сопротивления инфекции.

  3. Микроорганизмы вырабатывают токсины.

  4. Инфекция попала в организм и вызвала симптомы заболевания.

  5. Врач ввел вакцину пациенту.

  6. Достаточное количество антител нейтрализует токсины.

  7. Врачи применяют вакцину, чтобы способствовать лечению болезней.

  8. Жизненно важные органы пациента были повреждены.

  9. Врач сказал, что произошло полное выздоравление.

  10. Необходимо было установить искусственный иммунитет.

11. Speak about immunity


1.Match the words in the column

  1. hot

  2. rales

  3. sore

  4. dry

  5. retention of

  6. rapid

  7. shortness of

  8. scanty

  9. flushed

  10. sharp

  11. mucous

  12. pain

  13. heavy

  14. coated

  15. fast

  1. stools

  2. cough

  3. expectoration

  4. in the throat

  5. membrane

  6. cold

  7. pain

  8. breath

  9. pulse

  10. tongue

  11. skin

  12. respiration

  13. throat

  14. face

  15. in the lungs

2.Match the word and its translation

  1. rash

  2. fatigue

  3. lassitude

  4. fever

  5. secretion

  6. nausea

  7. impairment

  8. headache

  9. inflammation

  1. жар

  2. головная боль

  3. воспаление

  4. сыпь

  5. усталость

  6. выделение

  7. повреждение

  8. тошнота

  9. утомление

3. Look at the symptoms and name the disease

1. _________: high temperature, fever, cough, and very rapid breathing, pain in the chest.

2._________: high temperature, flushed face, vomiting, sore throat, fever, headache, rash, hot and dry skin.

3._________: high temperature, running nose, cough, general pains.

4.__________: high temperature, sneezing, cough, heavy cold, running nose, rash, dislike of the light.

4.Match the diseases and their symptoms





Painful and dry cough; slight cough; sharp pain ; slight pain; rapid respiration; scanty expectoration; vomit; nausea; pain in the throat; fatigue; epigastric discomfort after meals; lassitude; dry and coated tongue; dry and moist rales; shortness of breath; secretion of mucus; discomfort in the chest; retention of stools.

5.Fill in the gaps

diminishes / feels / breathes / appears / begins / fades / rises / covers / peels / increases / becomes / decreases

  1. The temperature … high.

  2. The rash … and … the body.

  3. The patient … weak and depressed.

  4. The skin … .

  5. The disease … suddenly.

  6. The body weight … .

  7. The colour of the skin … .

  8. The patient … restless.

  9. The respiratory rate … .

  10. The patient … with difficulty.

  11. Secretion of acid and pepsin … .

6.Match the disease and treatment


a. Patients receive modern treatment, undergo lung operations


b. Patients follow a strict diet regimen, avoid spicy food and alcohol


c. Patients follow a bed regimen, have warm application to the chest, take tablets and a cough mixture


d. Patients stay in bed, have rest and sleep, take prescribed medicines


e. Patients follow a bed regimen, drink much water, take medicines


f. The disease is treated surgically. The patient’s appendix is removed.