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8.Fill in the table using the text “aids”

The Cause of AIDS

The Symptoms of AIDS

The Treatment of AIDS patients

The Measures on fighting AIDS

9.Do the tasks according to the variant.

Variant 1.Answer the questions and translate the answers.

  1. What is AIDS caused by?

  2. How is this virus called?

  3. How does HIV infection influence the body?

  4. What are the symptoms of HIV infection?

  5. What does the diagnosis of AIDS depend on?

  6. How is HIV infection spread?

  7. What do doctors do to find the cure for AIDS?

  8. How do the doctors treat the diseases of AIDS patients?

  9. What do people do to fight AIDS?

  10. How can everybody help fighting AIDS?

Variant 2.Continue the sentences and translate them into Russian.

  1. The cause of AIDS is ….

  2. The virus is called ….

  3. HIV infection damages ….

  4. HIV infection weakens ….

  5. The symptoms of HIV infection may be ….

  6. AIDS is diagnosed when a patient has ….

  7. HIV infection is spread by ….

  8. Doctors make efforts to ….

  9. The treatment of diseases of AIDS patients help to …

  10. You can help fighting AIDS by …

Variant 3.Write out the information about HIV infection and AIDS according to the plan. Translate into Russian.

  1. The cause of AIDS

  2. The influence of HIV infection on the human body

  3. The symptoms of the disease

  4. The diagnosis of AIDS

  5. The way of transmission

  6. The cure for AIDS

  7. The treatment of diseases of AIDS patients

  8. Fighting AIDS

  9. AIDS patients need help and support.

Variant 4. Prove the statements and translate the information.

  1. AIDS is a fast spreading disease.

  2. HIV infection does a great harm to the body

  3. This disease is accompanied by the symptoms

  4. The disease passes from one person to another.

  5. Doctors try to find cure for AIDS.

  6. Doctors treat AIDS patients.

  7. People from all over the world fight AIDS.

  8. Everybody can help fighting AIDS.

Variant 5. Complete the sentences and translate them.

  1. AIDS ________________ in all age groups.

  2. AIDS virus _______________ white blood cells.

  3. HIV infection damages ____________________ and ____________________ the body’s ability to fight off infections and diseases.

  4. The symptoms of the disease may include _________________, fever, _____________________, diarrhea, ____________________ and swollen glands.

  5. The diagnosis of AIDS depends on the presence of __________________________ and _________________________ for antibody to HIV.

  6. HIV infection is spread by ___________________________, the sharing of drug needles, ___________________________________.

  7. Doctors make efforts to ___________________________________

  8. Doctors use drugs, _____________________ and _____________________ to treat various _________________________.

  9. The treatment helps to _________________ of the virus.

  10. People initiate ____________________ to educate and inform ___________________ about AIDS.

  11. You can fight AIDS by________________________, getting facts about AIDS and _____________________________.

Topic 36. The damage of drugs

Nowadays more people are taking drugs than in any other time in history of mankind, and many of those people are youth. Drugs kill the health, joy, mind and beauty of people. Your power in your knowledge!