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3. Speak about pneumonia topic 29. Tuberculosis

1. Teacher: At this lesson you will know about the cause, the symptoms and treatment of tuberculosis. Study the new words. Make up the sentences

  1. causative agent – возбудитель болезни

  2. tubercule bacillus – туберкулёзная палочак

  • Возбудитель болезни – туберкулезная палочка.

  • Профессор Кох открыл туберкулезную палочку и изолировал её.

  1. manifestation – проявление

  • проявления болезни могут быть хроническими и острыми (acute )

  1. to affect – поражать

  • Туберкулезная палочка поражает легкие.

  1. onset – начало

  2. insidious – скрытый

  • Начало болезни – скрытое.

  1. scanty expectoration – скудное отхаркивание

  • У человека кашель и отхаркивание.

  1. lassitude - усталость

  2. fatigue – утомление

  • Пациент жалуется на усталость и утомляемость.

  1. to induce – вызывать

  • Нагрузка вызывает одышку.

  1. exertion – нагрузка

  2. to fade – бледнеть

  • Цвет кожи бледнеет.

  1. to derange – нарушать

  • Пищеварение нарушается.

  1. to carry out measures – проводить меры

  • Клиники проводят анти туберкулезные меры.

  1. to receive treatment – получать лечение

  • Пациенты получают современное лечение и лекарства.

  1. to undergo an operation – подвергаться операции

  • Некоторые пациенты подвергаются операции на легкие.

  1. to suffer from – страдать от

  2. to check up – проверять

  • Врачи проверяют людей на туберкулез.

2. Read the text. Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease. The causative agent is the tubercle bacillus discovered by professor Koch in 1882. Its manifestations are usually chronic, but may be acute. It most frequently affects the lungs.

The onset of the disease is usually insidious. The individual has a slight cough, scanty or no expectoration, he complains of a sense of lassitude and fatigue .Exertion induces shortness of breath. The body weight diminishes, the colour of the skin fades, the digestion is deranged.

T.B. clinics carry out anti-tuberculosis measures such as prophylactic vaccination. Every person over 12 years of age has his chest examined for T. B. once every year. This means that medical workers check up millions of people for tuberculosis.

Tuberculosis patients receive all kinds of modern treatment. If necessary the patients are given artificial pneumothorax or undergo various lung operations. Rest is the most important part of the regime. Sanatorium treatment is also helpful, especially for children suffering from tuberculosis.

3. Fill in the gaps

The cause of the disease

  1. The causative agent of tuberculosis is … .

  2. The tubercle bacillus … … .

Symptoms and course

  1. The onset of the disease is … .

  2. The patient has …, … , …, … .

  3. The body weight … .

  4. The colour of the skin … .

  5. The digestion is … .


  1. Tuberculosis clinics carry out … … .

  2. Tuberculosis patients receive …, … .

  3. If it is necessary the patients … … .

  4. Every year many people have … … .

  5. The medical workers … … .

4. Answer the questions

  1. What is the cause of tuberculosis?

  2. What does the tubercle bacillus affect?

  3. What are the symptoms of this disease?

  4. What is one of the anti-tuberculosis measures?

  5. What treatment and medicines do the patients receive?