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Учебное пособие по англ языку.doc
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5.You are a doctor. Give the nurse the following instructors.

  1. Поставьте градусник лежачему больному.

  2. Достаньте градусник и прочитайте показания.

  3. Встряхните градусник.

  4. Дайте больному поильник с чаем.

  5. Поставьте очистительную клизму.

  6. Дайте судно лежачему пациенту.

  7. Наполните грелку водой.

  8. Смените лед в пузыре для льда.

  9. Отвезите пациента на каталке в палату.

  10. Поставьте холодный компресс на ушиб (bruise).

  11. Поставьте банки на спину.

  12. Закапайте капли в нос.

  13. Поставьте горчичники на спину.

  14. Соберите шприц.

  15. Разберите шприц

6. Situation

1.You are a nurse. You have a new working day. Make up your working plan.

7.00 – I go to the wards and take the temperature of the patients.

7.30 - …

10.00 - …

11.00 - …

12.00 - …

17.00 - …

19.00 - …

20.00 - …

2.You work as a nurse. Tell what you do in the following situations.

  1. If the patient stays in bed for a long time I …

  2. If it is necessary to know the temperature I …

  3. If it is necessary to give an injection I …

  4. If a patient has high temperature I …

  5. If a child has a cough I …

  6. If a patient has a running nose I …

  7. If a patient has a bad bruise I …

  8. If a patient has a backache I …

  9. If a patient needs washing I …

  10. If a patient is thirsty I …

  11. If a patient is weak after operation I …

7. Translate into English

  1. У ребенка высокая температура. Поставьте градусник.

  2. Этот больной после операции. Дайте ему судно.

  3. У вас сильный ушиб колена. Приложите пузырь для льда.

  4. Возьмите тазик для умывания и помойте пациента губкой.

  5. Врач моет руки с мылом перед операцией.

  6. У ребенка кашель. Вы можете поставить горчичники на спину.

  7. Студенты учатся собирать и разбирать шприцы на практических занятиях.

  8. Подготовьте пациента к операции. Поставьте ему клизму.

  9. Вода в грелке холодная. Вам следует поменять её.

8. Read the text about the work of the nurse The Work of a Nurse

The nurse is present at the time of birth and she is sometimes present when life ends. Her whole life is devoted to people. She is responsible for what she does. She is responsible for what she advises others to do.

Every nurse must have enough knowledge of her work. She must read medical journals. She must help her patients at any hour of the day or night. She must care for the patient even if the patient has a mortal infectious disease. A nurse must remember that patients need her help, care and patience.

Every nurse must also remember that there are no two identical people and that every patient reacts to illness in his own way. That’s why the doctors and the nurses look for new methods and new medicines every day.

If a nurse gives a patient a new medicine this patient is under special care of the doctor and the nurse. The observations of the nurse are very important. Careful observation of the nurse can give very important information. It helps the doctor to diagnose and treat the patient.

Every nurse must be a member of the clinical research team because the research work goes on not only in the laboratories but also in the wards of the hospitals.