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1. confine – ограничивать 2. continual – непрерывный; постоянный 3. hamper – препятствовать, затруднять, мешать 4. hardly – едва 5. neighbouring – соседний 6. observe – наблюдать 7. occur – происходить, встречаться 8. oscillation – колебание 9. pressure – давления 10. probably – возможно 11. readily – легко, охотно 12. restlessness – подвижность; беспокойство 13. restricted – ограниченный 14. slight – незначительный 15. suspend– вешать, подвешивать 16. therefore – следовательно 17. vessel – сосуд

II. Выполните упражнения

  1. Составьте 15 вопросов к тексту

  2. Найдите английские эквиваленты к русским сочетаниям

  1. мощный микроскоп

  2. постоянное движение

  3. под наблюдением

  4. независимое существование

  5. высокая скорость

  6. сила притяжения

  7. изменять объем

  8. постоянная форма

  9. оказывать давление

  10. друг с другом

  1. under observation

  2. independent existence

  3. high speed

  4. continual movement

  5. powerful microscope

  6. with each other

  7. to exert pressure

  8. the attractive force

  9. to vary one's volume

  10. a fixed shape

  1. Прочитайте, переведите однокоренные слова и определите, к какой части речи они относятся

observe, observation; rest, restless, restlessness; suspend, suspen­sion; collide, collision; hard, hardly, hardness; power, powerful; at tract, attractive, attraction; compress, compressible

  1. Переведите следующие предложения и используя данные фразы, выполните задания

As for as I know/understand According to the text

As for as … is concerned

It’s interesting to know/to find out

To my mind I have a feeling Give an account of the characteristic properties of matter in the solid, liquid and gaseous states.

What is meant by the statement "the eternal restlessness of matter"?

Give an example of the "Brownian movement". What light do your examples throw upon the nature of matter?

  1. Составьте свой диалог, используя информацию текста, на одну из следующих ситуаций

- Two student are discussing the lecture about matter

- A student discussed his/her paper with the supervisor

III.Control text

Прочитайте и переведите текст

That matter may exist in three physical states (solid, liquid and gas) is common knowledge. It is usually possible to change matter from one state to the other by changing its temperature. For instance, a piece of ice is called a solid; it may melt and form a liquid; as it evapo­rates, liquid water changes into a vapour, i. e. into the gaseous state.

Many kinds of matter, like water, can be obtained in each of the three states; for some, however, extraordinary means have to be used in order to produce one, or even two of the states; and for others, only two states are known or can be produced.

Common salt, for example, exists normally as a solid; at a temper­ature of several hundred degrees, it can be liquefied; and at still higher temperature it is converted into vapour. Carbon, a solid under normal conditions, can be vaporized, but it has never been liquefied.

Solids have both a definite volume and a definite shape. Liquids, too, have a definite volume, but they take the shape of their containers.

Gases have neither a definite shape nor a definite volume. A chemist must have a thorough knowledge of the states of matter and of physical laws that govern the behaviour of matter in various states.

That all matter is composed of molecules is known to everybody. The question which must be answered, then, is: if all matter is com­posed of molecules, what is the essential difference between the states of matter? The answer to this question is that the essential difference between these states is the relative quantities of energy molecules possess in different states.

Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию текста

  1. What is the difference between a thing and a stuff?

  2. Can you tell a thing from a stuff: brass, bottle, atmosphere, chair, pan, boiled egg, glass, ornament, wood, sea water, air, plastics, toy soldier? Match a thing with the stuff it is made of.

  3. Can we call a stuff matter? Explain why.

Test 4

1. Matter is not only … animals and plants

  1. Unloving

  2. Living

  3. Converting

  4. Occurring

2. Matter is constantly undergoing …

  1. Forms

  2. Mixtures

  3. Classes

  4. Changes

3. Forms of matter may change, but matter itself is neither … not created

  1. Improved

  2. Appeared

  3. Destroyed

  4. Referred

4. The … theory explains what matter is built of

  1. Dalton

  2. Experimental

  3. Molecular

  4. Atomic

5. The movement of molecules … by Robert Bromn

  1. Was studied

  2. Studied

  3. Has been studied

  4. Had been studied

6. The molecules of a … can more freely

  1. Gas

  2. Matter

  3. Liquid

  4. Solid

7. The motion of particles … energy

  1. Refer do

  2. Depends on

  3. Consist of

  4. Slow down

8. Sulphur is chemically very closely related to …

  1. Oxygen

  2. Hydrogen

  3. Carbon

  4. Rater

9. The states of matter are …

  1. Few

  2. Many

  3. Some

  4. Any

10. Cooling a gas into a liquid makes it possible … it more effectively

  1. To keep

  2. To use

  3. To hold

  4. To store

Unit 5

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