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  1. to deal with – иметь дело, рассматривать, касаться

  2. to take place – иметь место, происходить

  3. to be concerned with – иметь дело с

  4. to devote to – посвящать

  5. to make a contribution to – делать вклад

  6. to accompany – сопровождать

  7. relationship – связь, отношение

  8. property – свойство

  9. to announce – объявлять, заявлять

  10. rapid – быстрый

  11. species – вид

  12. to convert – преобразовывать

  13. alloy – сплав

  14. to contain – содержать, вмещать

  15. substance – вещество

  16. to undergo – подвергаться

  17. composition – состав

  18. compound – содержание

  19. matter – вещество

  20. to create – издавать

II. Выполните упражнение

1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту

1. What do you know about chemistry? 2. What does chemistry study? 3. What does chemistry deal with? 4. Why is chemistry one of the fundamental sciences? 5. When did sufficient facts about chemistry appear? 6. When did modern chemistry begin? 7. Who was the first to study quantitatively the relationship between the volume of a gas and the external pressure upon it? 8. What did Lavoisier introduce? 9. Who discovered regularities in the properties of the elements? 10. What can you tell about the future of chemistry?

2. Найдите пары антонимов:

internal, to appear, natural, old, to disappear, artificial, new, external;

Найдите пары синонимов:

to deal with, to change, to start, field, to be concerned with, to alter, branch, to begin.

3. Переведите слова в скобках на английский язык

1. Chemistry is a science which (рассматривает) with materials and their properties. 2. We think that the exhibition of our achievements (состоится) at the end of September. 3. This scientist (внес большой вклад) both in chemistry and physics. 4. All his life he worked in the field of chemistry, and we can say that he (посвятил) his life to science. 5. All the changes which (сопровождали) this reaction play a very important role. 6. Later Lavoisier (ввел) the concept of the chemical elements. 7. Though these two teams work under (одинаковые) conditions the result of their work are different. 8. This article (касается) the development of our industry.

4. Определите видо-временную форму глагола и залог сказуемого и переведите предложения на русский язык

1) The properties of this substance change water heating.

2) The change from one state into another was accompanied by the evolution of the heat.

3) The concentration of mineral matter in sea water slowly increased.

4) Chemists discovered many laws and important phenomena in life.

5) The broad field of chemistry is divided in many ways.

6) Compounds of carbon occur in plants of animals.

7) The experiment were made under room temperature.

5. Сделайте письменный пересказ текста

III. Control text

Прочитайте и переведите текст. Выберите подходящее заглавие из ниже приведенных и обоснуйте свой выбор на английском языке.

  1. The Scope of Chemistry.

  2. The Nature of Chemistry.

  3. The Body of Chemical Knowledge.

  4. The Work of a Chemist.

  5. Chemical Education.

What is chemistry? A popular dictionary gives this definition: Chem­istry is a science of the composition, structure, properties, and reac­tions of matter, especially of atomic and molecular systems. Another, somewhat simpler dictionary definition, is: Chemistry is a science dealing with the composition of matter and the changes in composi­tion that matter undergoes. Neither of these definitions is entirely ade­quate. Chemistry, along with the closely related science of physics, is a fundamental branch of knowledge. Chemistry is also closely related to biology not only because living organisms are made of material sub­stances but also because life itself is an essentially complicated system of interrelated chemical processes.

The scope of chemistry is extremely broad. It includes the whole universe and everything, animate and inanimate, in it. Chemistry is concerned not only with the composition of matter, but also with the energy and energy changes associated with matter. Through chemistry we seek to learn and to understand the general principles that govern the behavior of all matter.

The chemist, like other scientists, observes nature and attempts to understand its secrets: What makes a rose red? Why is sugar sweet? What is occurring when iron rusts? Why is carbon monoxide poison­ous? Why do people wither with age? Problems such as these — some of which have been solved, some of which are still to be solved — are part of what we call chemistry.

A chemist may interpret natural phenomena, devise experiments that will reveal the composition and structure of complex substances, study methods for improving natural processes, or, sometimes, synthe­size substances unknown in nature. Ultimately, the efforts of successful chemists advance the frontiers of knowledge and at the same time contribute to the well-being of humanity. Chemistry can help us to understand nature, however, it is not necessary to be a professional chemist or scientist to enjoy natural phenomena. Nature and its beau­ty, its simplicity within complexity, are for all to appreciate.

The body of chemical knowledge is so vast that no one can hope to master it all, even in a lifetime of study. However, many of basic con­cepts can be learned in a relatively short period of time. These basic concepts have become part of the education required for many profes­sionals including agriculturists, biologists, dental hygienists, dentists, medical technologists, microbiologists, nurses, nutritionists, pharma­cists, physicians, and veterinarians, to name just a few.

Test 1

1.People … chemistry since ancient times.

a) have practiced

b) are practicing

c) had practiced

d) practiced

2. Chemistry … the studies of the whole universe and everything in it.

a) is included

b) includes

c) include

d) included

3. Chemistry doesn’t study …

a) composition of substances

b) behavior with other materials

c) states of matter

d) human races

4. The history of chemistry …to ancient times.

a) goes back

b) concerns

c) deals with

d) considers

5. Chemistry … to other sciences e.g. physics and biology

a) is formed

b) is devoted

c) is related

d) is included

6. The building blocks of matter are …

a) atoms

b) elements

c) alloys

d) compounds

7. Different matters can be classified according do their …

a) masses

b) numbers

c) atoms

d) properties

8. One substance can be … into the other substance under chemical reaction.

a) formed

b) converted

c) included

d) introduced

9. The forms of … are solids , liquids and gases.

a) alloy

b) substance

c) matter

d) reaction

  1. Chemical reactions … by definite changes in energy

  1. are accompanied

  2. are changed

  3. are made

  4. are introduced

Unit 2

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