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2. Подберите к английским словам из а русские эквивалентные слова из в.

А. 1. to value; 2. rare; 3. unique; 4. ability; 5. to resist; 6. decay; 7. acid; 8. to damage; 9. quality; 10. performance; 11. ageing; 12. to urge; 13. desire; 14. to spread; 15. purpose; 16. dependent; 17. to be re­lated to; 18. spirit; 19. herb; 20. as early as; 21. benefit; 22. remedy; 23. mercury; 24. sulphur; 25. iron; 26. copper sulphate; 27. steam; 28. to lay the foundation; 29. to evolve; 30. reliance; 31. evidence; 32. recognition; 33.therefore; 34. since.

В. 1. пap; 2. сопротивляться; 3. старение; 4. поэтому; 5. распро­страняться; 6. спирт; 7. зависимый; 8. преимущество; 9. же­лезо; 10. кислота; 11. страсть (желание), 12. развивать; 13. ле­карство; 14. ценить; 15. качество; 16. свидетельство; 17. еще; 18. ртуть; 19. редкий; 20. доверие; 21. цель; 22. разрушать; 23. признание; 24. заложить основы; 25. единственный в своем роде; 26. действие; 27. сера; 28. быть связанным; 29. медный купорос; 30. убеждать (заставить); 31. трава; 32.способность; 33. разложение; 34. так как

3. Подберите к словам из а синонимы из в и переведите слова.



1. to value



2. ability



3. decay



4. to damage



5. to urge



6. desire



7. purpose


to ruin

8. to be related to


to develop

9. benefit


to appreciate

10. remedy


to force

11. to evolve



12. reliance



13. evidence


to be connected with

14. recognition



15. therefore



16. rare


to oppose

17. to resist



18. permanence


to scatter

19. to spread



20. dependent



4. Переведите предложения и поставьте все типы вопросов к ним.

  1. Alchemy began to decline in the 16th century.

  2. People have long had a lust for gold.

  3. Ancient civilizations were practicing the art of chemistry as early as 3000 B.C.

  4. Matter is constantly undergoing changes.

  5. Newton’s law of universal gravitation is applied to matter in general.

  6. Water boils at 100o C.

  7. The technician will have installed the new equipment in our laboratory by the new year.

  8. The student will do these experiments tomorrow.

5. Сделайте аннотацию текста.

III. Control text

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Modern chemistry was slower to develop than astronomy and physics. It began in the 17th and 18th centuries when Joseph Priestley (1733-1804), who discovered oxygen in 1774, and Robert Boyle (1627-1691) began to record and publish the results of their experi­ments and to discuss their theories openly. Boyle, who has been called the founder of modern chemistry, was one of the first to practice chemistry as a true science. He believed in the experimental method. In his most important book, The Sceptical Chemist, he clearly distin­guished between an element and a compound or mixture. Boyle is best known today for the gas law that bears his name. A French chemist, Antoine Lavoisier (1743—1794), placed the science on a firm founda­tion with experiments in which he used a chemical balance to make quantitative measurements of the weights of substances involved in chemical reactions. The use of the chemical balance by Lavoisier and others later in the 18th century was almost as revolutionary in chemis­try as the use of the telescope had been in astronomy. Thereafter, chemistry became a quantitative experimental science. Lavoisier also contributed greatly to the organization of chemical data, to chemical nomenclature, and to the establishment of the law of conservation of mass in chemical changes. During the period from 1803 to 1810, John Dalton (1766-1844), an English schoolteacher, advanced his atomic theory. This theory placed the atomistic concept of matter on a valid rational basis. It remains today as a tremendously important general concept of modern science. Since the time of Dalton, knowledge of chemistry has advanced in great strides, with the most rapid advance­ment occurring at the end of the 19th century and during the 20th century. Especially outstanding achievements have been made in de­termining the structure of atom, understanding the biochemical fundamentals of life, developing chemical technology, and mass produc­tion of chemicals and related products.

Озаглавьте текст. Разделите текст на логические части и выпишите из текста предложения, выражающие основную мысль каждой части.

Test 2

  1. The principle goal of alchemist way to find a method of … human life.

    1. prolonging

    2. improving

    3. ageing

    4. treating

  1. Alchemist ranted to change base metals into …

    1. remedy

    2. perfect metals

    3. gold

    4. some medicines

  1. Modern chemistry began to develop from the world of …

    1. Antoine Lavoisier

    2. Joseph Priestley

    3. John Dalton

    4. Thadeus of Florence

  1. Many years ago people … gold as a rare substance.

    1. valued

    2. had valued

    3. have valued

    4. were valueing

  1. Alchemist tried to produced medicines from … materials.

    1. base

    2. new

    3. different

    4. raw

  1. The study of alchemy … the birth of modern chemistry.

    1. stopped

    2. prevented

    3. blocked

    4. led

  1. Outstanding achievements have been made … determining the structure of a tom.

    1. from

    2. of

    3. out

    4. in

  1. The theory of Dalton placed the atomic concept of matter on a … basis.

    1. valid

    2. structural

    3. essential

    4. modern

  1. Doctors … people to drink from gold cups

    1. led

    2. urged

    3. insisted

    4. tried

  1. Earth, air, fire, water … up of a combination of basic.

    1. made

    2. make

    3. have been made

    4. are made

Unit 3

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