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Famous Inventions_ИП 2 курс.docx
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12) Makeup.

Women use this every day to make them selves look more presentable and to boost confidence so we can feel better about our selves. Even if the world was coming to an end we could look our selves in the mirror and think well at least I look half decent today. Not only women use the stuff but men do too. Imagine going to the cinema to watch a movie and every one was not wearing any of it. Make up has become one of our day to day necessities.

11) The Power Shower

This brilliant invention gets us extra squeaky clean and feels good on our sore muscles after a hard days work.All thats is different is the increase of pressure in the water, brilliant.

10) The Freezer.

Any one for some icecream? Wouldn't be able to ask anyone that question with out a Freezer would we. Prolonging the life of food saves us money and time who knew that one of these would be in every home and become part of every restraunt and school.

9) The Microwave

In todays society every one has one if these in their kitchen and the main reason for its existence: It cooks food alot quicker than any thing else and its perfect for heating up a quick dinner or snack if you are short on time.

8) A Toothbrush

Now you wouldn't leave home with out using one of these first would you? Preventing your smile from turning black and helping to prevent bad breath this little invention definately deserves to be in the top ten.

7) The Television

Who doesn't come in after a hard days work and curl up in front of their television watching some programme to relax to? From black and white to colour to high definintion to plasma screens this invention has evoloved over the years and has still become our famiies friend.

6) Curtains or Blinds

I don't think I would be able to go to bed knowing that some body could quite easily see in to my house. They can help to retain the heat on a cold winters night and gives us privacy one of lifes necessities.

5) A Light bulb.

This Invention has saved us alot of accidental fires and is quicker than hunting around for a candle in the middle of the ngiht when we want to take a trip to the bathroom. Definately one that we take for granted.

4) A watch

These days the whole of our day is mosty planned through slots of time. With out owning one of these we would never be able to guess the time properly and make it in time for all of our appointments and it serves as nice piece of jewelry as well.

3) The Mobile Phone.

Being able to keep in touch with people in our circle of friends and family is important to us. It is used for communication both personal and business and has become a necessity world wide. Handy to have in an emergency or even if you want to kill some time.

2)The car.

The reason why we all own one is freedom. If you have your own personal transport you can go anywhere, any time. A great thing to own and worth all the petrol we put in to it.

1) The Internet.

Without the Internet Hub pages wouldn't exist and I woudn't be writing this today. It gives us the world of knowledge and is the biggest most informative book in the world.

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