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Министерство образования и науки

Российской федерации

Волжский университет им. В. Н. Татищева (институт)

А. Ю. Аристов

Методическое пособие

по аспекту домашнего чтения по основному иностранному языку (английский)

по книге У. С. Моэма «Разукрашенная вуаль»

(W. S. Maugham, The Painted Veil).

Тольятти, 2009


Аристов А. Ю. Методическое пособие по аспекту домашнего чтения по основному иностранному языку (английский) по книге У. С. Моэма «Разукрашенная вуаль» (W. S. Maugham, The Painted Veil). – Тольятти: Волжский ун-т им. В. Н. Татищева, 2009. – ?? с.

В пособии представлены упражнения и задания, а также что-то ещё.

Для студентов такого-то курса специальности 021700 «Филология».

Рецензент к. п. н., доцент


Утверждено ученым советом ВУ 00.00.0000 г.


Методические указания

Методические указания примерно на страницу.

Если будет приложение, то желательно вынести ещё и содержание в конец, например. В приложении можно будет дать тексты на перевод и отработку техники чтения на тот случай, если страницы покупных изданий книги не будут совпадать. Для устранения подобных же неприятностей лучше указывать и главу (и абзац?) рассматриваемого явления, а не страницу издания.

Можно продублировать и страницей издания, закупленного нашим университетом.

Книга рекомендуется для чтения во втором семестре первого курса, либо на втором курсе.

Курс рассчитан на 36 академических часов и отрабатывается следующим образом (18 недель):

Assignments for “The Painted Veil” by w. S. Maugham Assignment 1 (preparatory talk)

1. Find the Maugham’s biography and the general information on the novel. Use dictionaries, encyclopaedias and the Internet system for this purpose.

2. Read the following names from the text correctly. Transliterate them into Russian. If you possess the Russian version of the novel, check you transliteration.

Mr. Walter Fane

Mrs. Walter Fane (Kitty)

Mr. Charles Townsend (Charlie)

Mrs. Charles Townsend (Dorothy)

Mr. Bernard Garstin


Geoffrey Dennison


Mr. Waddington

Colonel Jü (Chinese name)

Sister St Joseph


Madame de Viernot

Jesus Christ

3. Transcribe and pronounce the following place names from the novel. Translate them into Russian. If it is possible find some information on the transliteration rules of Chinese names into English and into Russian.


Hong Kong

South Kensington




Manchu (nation)



Harrington Gardens

4. Think of the title of the novel. What can the story be about?

5. Think of the epigraph to the novel.

“… the painted veil which

those who live call Life.”

What can it imply? Where is it extracted from?

6. Read the first lines of the novel.

She gave a startled cry.

What’s the matter?” he asked.

Notwithstanding the darkness of the shuttered room he saw her face on a sudden distraught with terror.


Is it typical to start a novel in such a way? What could it be done for? What could follow these lines?

7. Read the preface to the novel. Is it important for a reader not to know beforehand what a story will be about? Can the book whose content is known already be an interest to a reader? If it can, what can be interesting in it? What is your attitude to the forthcoming reading now?

Assignment 2 (chapters 1–5)

I. Pre-reading task – translate the words from the active vocabulary, write their transcription.

Active Vocabulary

p. 3


affect, v

p. 4


p. 5

put oneself together


p. 8

count on sb.

p. 9



p. 11

put on airs

p. 13


take risks

II. Exercises

1. Find the words in the active vocabulary that match the following definitions.

1. To be or cause to be surprised or frightened, especially so as to start involuntarily.

2. To impute blame to someone for an action or fault.

3. To delay or prolong departure; to persist or continue, especially in the mind.

4. An unforeseen or sudden occurrence, especially of a danger demanding immediate remedy or action.

5. Discreet or cautious in managing one's activities; exercising good common sense.

2. Fill in with suitable words from the active vocabulary.

1. His speech was so accurately structured that it ____ hearers.

2. Customers are welcome to ____ over coffee until around midnight.

3. It is not ____ to demand so much from them.

4. A scout should be ready for all ____.

5. The boy should be ____ for his rudeness.

3. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1. She responded submissively to his reproaches.

2. Remember never to push this button! It may cause an emergency.

3. He was startled beyond speech.

4. Even when the flowers were taken away the smell lingered about most pleasantly.

5. What we now know about the disease was learned by careful study of diseased organs.

III. Questions for discussion.

1. Retell the chapters you have read.

2. In what order do we know the names of the characters?

3. How do you think, what is the use of placing a moment of high tension at the very beginning of the book?

4. What was the cause of Kitty’s fear? How can you explain Charlie’s tranquillity?

5. How can you explain Walter’s action?