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ст. викладача кафедри англійської мови гуманітарного спрямування №3

Савчук Тетяни Леонідівни

Дата: 31.10.012

Група: РС- 81 V курс РТФ

Загальна кількість студентів: 14, присутні: 10

Тема уроку: Television

Практична мета: удосконалювати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення; удосконалювати вміння працювати в парах та групах; розвивати вміння аудіювати текст, ігноруючи незнайомі слова; удосконалювати техніку переказу.

Освітня мета: поглибити знання студентів про перспективи розвитку телебачення, розширити лексичний запас.

Виховна мета: виховувати почуття чуйності, взаєморозуміння у стосунках з дорослими та однолітками; вчити логічно викладати свої думки; формувати критичне ставлення до вчинків людей.

Розвиваюча мета: розвивати уміння працювати з різними засобами навчання (дидактичні матеріали, словники, граматичні картки), розвивати довготривалу пам’ять, увагу, уяву; розвивати індивідуально-психологічні здібності, які впливають на успішне оволодіння англійською мовою.

Засоби навчання: робочий зошит, словник, роздатковий матеріал (картки, вправи), дошка, мультимедійні засоби( комп`ютер, проектор)

Хід уроку:

Початок уроку.

I. Greeting. Latest tech news.

Good afternoon, students. I hope you are well today. Today we have many guests from my department, please greet them. Are all students present today? Before starting a new topic, let’s revise technical news in the world. Yevhen, please ...

Have you got any questions? ...

Now Alex, it’s your turn ...

Any questions to Alex?...

Now Nazar, it’s your turn ...

Основна частина уроку.

II. Phonetic exercises and homework checking.

Read and remember the pronunciation of the following words: race [reɪs], usage [’ju:sɪdʒ] , device [dɪ’vaɪs], circle [’sɜ:rkəl], world [wɜ:rld], circuit [’sɜ:kit], require [rɪ’kwaɪər] , quality [’kwɒlətɪ], quantity [’kwɒntətɪ], produce [prə’du:s] throughout [Ɵru:’aʋt] , reliable [rɪ’laɪəbəl] , whole [həʋl], perform [pər’fɔ:rm], basic [’beɪsɪk], simultaneously [‚saɪməl’teɪnɪəslɪ], available [ə’veɪləbəl], research [rɪ'seɪtf]

T. The subject of the lesson is “television”. Television is one of the greatest achievements of the 20-th century. It is the most popular part of mass media. Today every family has a TV-set. TV has changed much since the time of its invention. There have been numerous debates concerning advantages and disadvantages of television.

The word “television” comes from the Greek word “tele” which means “ far”, and the Latin word “visio”- “seeing”. It enables us to see stationary and moving objects at great distance. Television requires pictures to be sent by means of electricity. Pictures are made up of light and darkness.

What’s about your home task? Let's check it. I asked you to remind all information that you know about the history of television.

SS. Carey -electric eye in 1875

Nipkow -scanning system in 1884

Braun - cathode- ray tube in 1897

Rosing - cathode- ray receiver in 1907

Zworykin - the electronic television camera tube in 1923

In 1938 television in colour was first demonstrated

Jonh Logie Baird- In January 1926 Baird was the first publicly to demonstrate real television.

John and Margaret Walson -community antenna television (cable television) in 1948

IV. Listening (watching) http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=pokRZfXzT-w

1. You will watch a film about the television.

Television really means seeing at the distance. Pictures are not sent through the air. What is transmitted – is an electrical impulses. A pictures has to be changed into electrical impulses at one end and then those electrical impulses are being changed into a picture at the other end. A camera lens focuses a picture on a light-sensitive plate of glass. This plate throws off electrons. In the bright areas of the pictures it throws off many electrons and in the dark areas- few electrons. The electrons are then collected on it target plate. In this camera tube at the other end from the target plate is an electron gun which throws a beam on target plate. This beam is a scanning beam. It`s sweeps back and forth in lines across the target plate, so that covers the entire surface 30 times in one second. The beam that bounced back is changed or modulated according to whether it strikes bright or dark area. The return beam is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, according to the image on the target plate. This return beam which is the form of electrical impulses goes to an amplifier, then to the transmitting tower of the television station and is sent out. At the receiving end these impulses are picked up by an antenna and they go into an amplifier in your set, and are sent to an electron gun which is in your TV picture too. This gun sent out a beam which goes back forth across your screen. Your screen also has winds and have been scanned every other line 30 times a second.

2. Which of the following statements are true or false? If the statement is wrong, correct it:

1. Pictures are sent through the air. (F)

2. A camera lens focuses a picture on a light-sensitive plate of rubber. F (glass)

3. The plate of glass throws off protons. F (electrons)

4. In the bright areas of the pictures plate throws off few electrons. F (many)

5. At the receiving end impulses are picked up by an amplifier. F (antenna)

3. Complete the sentences with a word or phrase.

a) Television really means seeing at the distance.

b) The electrons are collected on it target plate.

c) A scanning beam sweeps back and forth in lines across the target plate.

d) At the receiving end the impulses are sent to an electron gun.

e) A screen also has winds and have been scanned every other line 30 times a second.

4. Choose the best answer to the questions:

1. What is transmitted through the air?

a) electrical charges b) electrical light c) electrical impulses

2. What is changed or modulated according to whether it strikes bright or dark area?

a) a picture b) the beam c) the image

3. What does plate throw off in the dark areas of the pictures?

a) few electrons b) few pictures c) few impulses

4. Where are impulses picked up by an antenna?

a) at the target plate b) at the amplifier c) at the receiving end

5. What does cover the entire surface 30 times in one second?

a) a screen b) a scanning beam c) a plate

Reading comprehension.

Read and translate the text: “TELEVISION”

Television provides a means of viewing the images of objects that are out of sight. The images of moving or stationary objects are converted into electric signals and these signals are transmitted by a television transmitter. The television receiver (TV-set) picks up these signals and performs the reverse conversion of electrical signals into the image displayed on the screen of a cathode ray tube (CRT).

The tube in the television receiver, that provides picture display, is called the picture tube or kinescope. The image of an object is projected onto the camera tube. The electron beam of this tube scans the image point by point. The beam scanning is controlled by a scan unit. At the tube output, pulses corresponding to the image are generated. These pulses are usually termed the picture signals.

These pulses are amplified and used to drive the television transmitter, where they modulate the transmitter carrier. Transmission is usually achieved by amplitude-modulation techniques. The resulting radio-frequency vision signals are transmitted by the aerial and picked up by the receiving aerial, in which they induce an e. m. f.( electromotive force) corresponding in frequency and waveform to the transmitted signals. Received signals are fed to the video channel amplifier, which is essentially a pulse receiver. Here the signals are amplified and detected; the picture signals from the detector output are amplified and used to drive the television tube brightness control electrode.

The movement of the electron beam in the television tube must be strictly synchronous and in phase with the electron beam of the camera tube. This phasing is accomplished by transmitting special sync-pulses, provided by a synchronization generator (timer). These sync-pulses control the scan of the camera tube and are transmitted along with the picture signals. At the receiver, these sync-pulses are extracted from the composite video signal and used to control the operation of the scan. In television broad-casting, the sound signal is transmitted simultaneously with the video signal. The audio signal from a microphone is amplified and used to modulate the frequency sound channel carrier. Both transmitters feed one common aerial through a special coupling filter. The receiver aerial picks up the sound and vision radio frequency signals. After amplification, the sound signal is separated from the composite signal, amplified, and used to drive a loudspeaker.

I. Put the words in order:

1. In, television, was, first, 1938, in, colour, demonstrated. 2. TV, to, colour, belongs, future, the. 3. The, to be used, widely, both, television, in, in, industry, life, everyday. 4. The, tests, engineer, new, the devices.5. Radio, important, television, play, and, an, in, society, our, today, role. 6. The, the, the, electric, pressure, of, causes, current, through, lightning, pass, to, air. 7.Tubes, the, vacuum, or, power, voltage, amplify. 8.Television, can, be, by, means, of, transmission, signals, transmitted, lines.9. The, the, camera, image, projected, object, is, onto, of, an, tube.10. The, receiver, the, sound, frequency, and, vision, aerial, up, picks, radio, signals.

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