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Public institution «Crimean State Medical University named after s. I. Georgievsky»


Social medicine and Public Health Economics

3.3. Methodical developments on lessons for students.

Appoved by

Head of the department professor Tretiakova O.S.

(Name, rank, degree)


" " ______________ 2012.


The organization and content of treatment-preventive establishments at various levels. Organization of medical care for the rural population.


Social medicine and organization of health protection


international medical faculty






General Medicine

The curator of the topic:

Ludan V.V. associate professor

(Name, rank, degree) (Signature)

  1. Actuality of theme.

One of the main sections Health Organization is a therapeutic and preventive care to the public. It is aimed at early detection and warn-assertion of the disease and timely provision of medical care .Particular attention is paid to the organization of primary health care (PHC).

The leading role in the provision of medical and preventive care for the urban population belongs to the joint municipal hospital, which has both ambulatory care and inpatient.

  1. The purpose of learning.

Learn and the organization providing medical and preventive care for the urban population, to learn techniques of analysis and evaluation of integrated urban hospitals and rural health care facilities.

2.1. The goal of training

      1. Training and targets.

      2. The student should know:

Tasks sections of the clinic and its structure.

Function of the basic units.

The organization and content of the district physician, the head of department.

Challenges and nature of follow-method steps dispensary



The main documents that are used to account for clinic work units, the content and order of their completion.

Development of measures to improve the activities of dispensaries and clinics.

2.2. The student should be able to:

Own method of calculating the indicators and analysis of outpatient clinics inpatient facilities.

2.3. Educational and training tasks.

Instill in the student a sense of responsibility and professional duty for their activities, the ability to apply clinical knowledge and logical thinking in the organization of physician and evaluation of its activities.

3. Restoring basic knowledge of previously studied subjects and disciplines.


The student should know:

The student should be able to:


Basic principles of health care of the problem structure and functions of the medical institution providing treatment - preventive care for the urban population.

Correctly calculate the performance and health facilities to conduct their analysis.