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The climate of the usa

A. Hello, Andrew! Aren't you in a hurry? Can you help me?

B. Hello, Boris! What's the matter?

A. You see, today at the English classes, we'll discuss the climate of the USA. I haven't managed to get enough information about it. But I've heard you have already discussed this topic at your class­es.

B. You are absolutely right. I'll try to help you. There are different climatic zones on the territory of the USA. Besides, the weather is very changeable.

A. Oh, yes! I do understand the reason of it. Being crossed by the mountain chains from the north to the south, the country is visited by cold winds from the north, warm winds from the south.

B. Good for you! And try to memorize the following: on the Pacific Coast — mild summers, cool winters, much rain; inland south-west — it is very hot because of the desert and semi desert. Weather patterns in southeast are similar to northeast, but warmer...

A. Sorry for interrupting you. And what about Alaska and Hawaii?

B. Oh, the climate is quite different there. It is very cold on Alaska, and on Hawaii the climate is tropical.

A. Yes, I do know about it.-

B. Don't forget, that on the whole, the climate in the USA is continental.

A. A thousand thanks!

B. Not at all. It was a real pleasure for me to do it.

EXERCISE 20. Act as an interpreter.

About the names of the states

James Mitchell, an American from Las Vegas with a Bachelor Degree in Geography, has come on a visit to Russia. A conversation is taking place between him and a Russian student, Alex by name.

— Мистер Митчелл, Вы из какого штата?

— А почему ваш штат так называется?

Что обозначает это слово?

— Неужели? Это прекрасно. Мистер Митчелл, а Вы говори­те по-испански?

— А много еще штатов на­званы по-испански?

— Да, я знаю об этом. На­пример, штат Мичиган полу­чил свое название от индейцев и означает «Большое озеро».

— Здорово! Так все интерес­но. Мистер Митчелл, мне бы . хотелось поговорить с Вами как-нибудь еще.

— I am from Las Vegas, Neva­da.

— You see, "Nevada" is a Span­ish word, meaning "covered with snow". It is not cold in my area. Melting snow is quick. But even from my house you can see snow­capped Rocky Mountains.

— Just a little. A lot of Mexicans live in our city.

— Not many, but still "Califor­nia" is the Spanish name which means "heat of the oven". "Colo­rado" is the Spanish name for the river, which means "coloured red". Besides, the names of many states have the Indian origin.

— Good for you. And there is a legend about the origin of the name "Alabama", it came from a warlike tribe of Indians. Once they came to the banks of the river and said: "Al­abama!" which meant "Here we rest".

— You are welcome


EXERCISE 21. a) Learn the following phrases:

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