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Letters of Invitation


to attend

Предложить сотрудничество –

to suggest collaboration


accommodation/ lodging

Представить статьи для публикации–

to submit papers for publication/ to contribute papers

3-х разовое питание-

full board

Разрабатывать в деталях -

to elaborate



Ценить –

to appriciate


to participate

Срочные дела –

urgent matters

Стендовый доклад-

poster presentation

Передавать статьи для публикации –

to pass on papers for publication

Прилагать –

to attach/to enclose

Выразить глубокую благодарность –

to express deep gratitude

Дальнейшая информация

further information

Отклонить предложение

to decline invitation

С нетерпением ждать –

to look forward to doing smth

Принять предложение –

to accept an invitation

Создать тесные связи сотрудничества –

to build close collaboration

В полном разгаре -

in full swing

Проводить конференцию

to hold a conference

Нельзя откладывать –

it can`t be delayed

Место встречи –

the site of meeting

Изменить график –

to change the schedule

Заинтересоваться –

to it of interest


to contribute

Учредить журнал –

to establish a new journal

есть договоренность о том, чтобы прочесть серию лекций

to be committed to giving a series of lectures

Read the samples of invitation letters and note the common phrases used in such letters.

Letter 1

Dear …,

I would like to invite you to attend our conference, “ISFD 4 – International Symposium on Ferroic Domains and Mesoscopic Structures,” in Vienna, Austria, March 25-30, 2005. The conference is organized by the Institute for Experimental Physics of the University of Vienna and the Austrian Physical Society.

Our conference will pay for your accommodations, including full board and lodgings at the conference hotel during the conference.

Beyond this, the conference organization has no financial responsibility for your stay in Austria.

Looking forward to seeing you in Vienna.

Sincerely yours,


Name Letter 2

Second International Conference

On Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science SRMS-2

October 31 – November 4, 2005

International Conference Center Kobe

Hyogo Prefecture, Japan

Dear Mr. …,

I am writing to invite you to participate in the above conference and to give a poster presentation on the “Local Distortion of Ideal Perovskite Structure in KnbO3 Revealed by EXAFS.” The conference program is attached. Further information will be mailed to you from the SRMS-2 conference secretary in about a month.

I look forward to seeing you at the conference and hope that it will be possible to build even closer collaborative links between our organizations.

Sincerely yours,



Chair, Organizing Committee


Letter 3

International Conference on Vacuum Ultraviolet Radiation Physics

August 3-7, 2005, San Francisco, California, USA

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to inform you that San Francisco, California will be the site of the VUV-XII meeting on August 3-7, 1998. The VUV International Advisory Board has selected the Advanced Light Source at Earnest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory to host the meeting, which will be held at the Hyatt Hotel in downtown San Francisco, near Union Square.

Sincerely yours,


Name, Conference Chair

Name, Local Committee Chair

Letter 4

Dear Professor …,

We have recently started publishing a new monthly journal …, which deals with the problems of …. Since the journal extensively covers the field of your activity, we hope you will find it of interest.

With this in mind, we would welcome any contributions from you pertaining to the scope of the journal. Perhaps you could contact other people who would be willing to submit their papers, detailed abstracts and other publications to our journal. I wish to thank you on behalf of the editorial board and myself for cooperation.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours,



Letter 5


The American Physical Society is sponsoring a symposium on Semi-conductor Device Research to be held in Boston, September 2-4, 2005. The symposium will focus on the synthesis and properties of semiconductor devices.

Here are some more phrases used in letters of invitation:

It gives me great pleasure to invite you to attend the Jubilee celebration of ………………..

On behalf of the Organizing Committee may I invite you to participate in ………….

The Institute of Physics officially invites you to deliver a series of lectures on ………….