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  1. heavy fuel oil - тяжелая топливная нефть; вязкий мазут; котельное топливо

  2. furnace - печь

  3. boiler - котёл

  4. deposit - осадок

  5. duct - дымоход; воздуховод

  6. arsenic - мышьяк

  7. sodium chloride [ ] - хлорид натрия; каменная соль

  8. magnesium chloride - хлорид магния

  9. in suspension - во взвешенном состоянии; совокупность мельчайших частиц

твёрдого вещества в жидкости или газе

  1. entrained water (brine) - скопившаяся вода; соляной раствор

  2. fouling [ ] - загрязнение; засорение

  3. hydrolysis - обменная реакция между веществом и водой, приводящая к

разложению молекулы вещества на более мелкие молекулы

  1. hydrogen chloride - хлороводород

  2. hydrochloric acid - соляная кислота

f. Carbon Dioxide. Carbon dioxide may result from the decomposition of bicarbonates present in or added to crude, or from steam used in the distillation process.

g. Naphthenic Acids. Some crude oils contain naphthenic (organic) acids, which may become corrosive at temperatures above 450° F when the acid value of the crude is above a certain level.


  1. carbon dioxide - углекислый газ; двуокись углерода

  2. bicarbonate - кислая соль угольной кислоты

  3. acid value - коэффициент кислотности


  1. Dictation (Text # 1)

  2. Dictation (Text # 2; 2.1)

  3. Dictation (Text # 2.2)

  4. Active and Passive Voice of the English Verb. Irregular Verbs.

  5. Самостоятельная работа по п. 4.

Text # 3 major refinery products


Gasoline. The most important refinery product is motor gasoline, a blend of hydrocarbons with boiling ranges from ambient temperatures to about 400 °F. The important qualities for gasoline are octane number (antiknock), volatility (starting and vapor lock), and vapor pressure (environmental control). Additives are often used to enhance performance and provide protection against oxidation and rust formation.

Kerosene. Kerosene is a refined middle-distillate petroleum product that finds considerable use as a jet fuel and around the world in cooking and space heating. When used as a jet fuel, some of the critical qualities are freeze point, flash point, and smoke point. Commercial jet fuel has a boiling range of about 375°-525° F, and military jet fuel 130°-550° F. Kerosene, with less-critical specifications, is used for lighting, heating, solvents, and blending into diesel fuel.


  1. refinery products - продукты нефтепереработки

  2. gasoline - бензин

  3. blend - смесь; сочетание

  4. boiling range - интервал кипения (температурный)

  5. ambient temperature - температура окружающей среды

  6. antiknock - детонационная стойкость

  7. volatility - летучесть

  8. starting - начало кипения

  9. vapor lock - газовая пробка

  10. additives - присадки (дополнительные вещества / реагенты) к нефтепродуктам

  11. to enhance performance - повышать производительность

  12. middle-distillate - средний дистиллят

  13. jet fuel - реактивное топливо

  14. space heating - отопление помещений

  15. flash point - температура вспышки (топлива)

  16. smoke point - температура дымообразования

  17. commercial fuel - промышленное топливо

  18. specifications - технические характеристики

  19. solvent - растворитель

Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG). LPG, which consists principally of propane and butane, is produced for use as fuel and is an intermediate material in the manufacture of petrochemicals. The important specifications for proper performance include vapor pressure and control of contaminants.

Distillate Fuels. Diesel fuels and domestic heating oils have boiling ranges of about 400°-700° F. The desirable qualities required for distillate fuels include controlled flash and pour points, clean burning, no deposit formation in storage tanks, and a proper diesel fuel cetane rating for good starting and combustion.