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2 Simple sentences

exercise 2.1

analyze the following simple sentences

  1. The project will feature low-floor streetcars.

  2. The judge found Mr Cornacchia a thoroughly dishonest witness.

  3. Mr Topham is in his office.

  4. The jury overturned the finding of a provisional court.

  5. The police have arrested a suspect.

  6. A psychiatrist gave the man an anti-depressant drug.

  7. Most of the inspectors are retired police officers.

  8. The prime minister sat down.

  9. The unarmed police officers seized ten tons of illegal drugs.

  10. He put his watch in the drawer.

exercise 2.2


(1) Early agrarian societies changed the landscape on a major scale.

  1. Almost all the world’s arable land had been cultivated by the beginning of this century.

  2. By 4100 B.C. humans had laid the foundation for one of the world’s earliest civilizations

  3. They had irrigated the Euphrates River plain.

  4. They abandoned these lands by 1700 B.C.

  5. Their farming methods destroyed the soil.

  6. Contemporary transportation systems in some countries rival agriculture as a consumer of land.

  7. Rapid population increases drive the search for more productivity.

  8. By burning coal humans have altered the global flow of energy.

  9. Some scientists predict a catastrophic warming of the earth.

exercise 2.3


  1. Epilepsy surgery is becoming more popular.

  2. Ashkelon was the main seaport of the Philistines.

  3. A channel in the shallow grape-treading basin directs the liquid into collecting areas.

  4. In the next several weeks, scientists are going to blast an 11-pound projectile from a 155-foot long cannon into a California hill.

  5. Light-gas guns resemble conventional guns in many ways.

  6. Cannibalism offers many advantages.

  7. Because of the curvature of the earth, the sun’s path is not at the same angle everywhere on Earth.

  8. Colour places great demands on a computer system.

  9. Changes of fashion rarely happen in a neat or orderly manner.

  10. Part of the new importance of pants is related to the uncertainty about skirt hems.

exercise 2.4

First find the two sentences among the eleven that follow that are not simple. Then analyze the remaining nine sentences in the usual way.

  1. Racism is a fact of life in Canada.

  2. Hundreds of former Newfoundlanders jammed Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square yesterday to fight for fish.

  3. My friend Louise lives in an old downtown building.

  4. An employee can claim from the assets of a bankrupt firm.

  5. The program will produce about 23,000 more jobs through the creation of day care, space, public works and a non-profit home initiative.

  6. Mulroney is asking Bush to attend the Rio summit.

  7. The grand prize includes round-trip airfare and deluxe hotel accommodation.

  8. The outcome was predictable.

  9. He was knighted for his services to the royal family.

  10. The Hawaiian Islands have an air of unreachable beauty.

  11. We could hear his scream through the door.

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