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The Present Simple Tense.docx
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78. Make questions. Begin the questions using the word in brackets.

1. The teacher writes on the board. (What?) 2. I live in a big house. (With whom?) 3. He likes music. (What music?) 4. We go skating. (When?) 5. She helps her mother. (How often?) 6. They go to bed early. (What time/usually?) 7. His little brother plays games. (What games?)

85. Ask questions with the words in brackets.

1. Her sister lives in Sweden. (Who, Where) 2. My mother and father work at school. (Who, Where) 3. He often reads English books at home. (Who, Where) 4. She cooks very well. (Who, How well) 5. Jane wants to go to Denmark. (Who, Where)

97. Translate into English.

1. Каждую субботу моя бабушка печет пирожки. 2. Я люблю ловить рыбу летом в деревне. 3. Моя мама работает в школе. 4. Мы всегда едим суп на обед. 5. Мой брат обычно гуляет с собакой. 6. Я навещаю мою бабушку каждую неделю. 7. Его маленькая сестра смотрит мультфильмы утром.

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