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Основная литература:

  1. Арнольд И.В. Лексикология современного английского языка. М., 1986.

  2. Атрушина Г.Б., Афанасьева О.В., Морозова Н.Н. Лексикология английского языка. М., 1999.

  3. Кунин А.В. Курс фразеологии современного английского языка: Учебник. М., 1986.

  4. Харитончик З.А. Лексикология английского языка. Минск, 1992.

Дополнительная литература:

  1. Arnold J. V. The English Word. M., 1986.

  2. Ginsburg R. S. et al. A Course in English Lexicology. M., 1979.

  3. Амосова М.М. Основы английской фразеологии. М., 1963.

  4. Арбекова Т.И. Лексикология английского языка. М., 1977.

  5. Вилюман В.Г. Английская синонимика (введение в теорию синонимии и методику изучения синонимов). М., 1980.

  6. Гак В. Г. Сопоставительная лексикология. М., 1982.

  7. Гальперин И.Р., Черкасская Е.Б. Лексикология английского языка. М., 1956.

  8. Гинзбург Р.З. и др. Лексикология английского языка./ Р.З. Гинзбург, С.С. Хидекель, Г.Ю. Князева, А.А. Санкин. М., 1979.

  9. Коровушкин В.П. Социальная лексикология английского языка (Материалы к спецкурсу для студентов факультета раннего обучения иностранным языкам). Часть I. Теоретические основы социолексикологического изучения английской нестандартной лексики. Череповец: ЧГПИ, 1993.

  10. Смирницкий А. И. Лексикология английского языка. М., 1956.

1. Lexicology as a branch of linguistics

1. Definition of the notion of Lexicology. 2. Kinds of lexicology. 3. Links of Lexicology with other branches of Linguistics. 4 General problems of the theory of word. 5. Methods of lexicological research.

1. Lexicology. Word. Word-group.

2. General and special lexicology. Historical and descriptive lexicology. Comparative lexicology. Contrastive lexicology. Applied lexicology.

3. The connection of lexicology with phonetics. [pit] is different from [tip]; import – to import; blackbird – black bird.

The connection of lexicology with morphology.

The connection of lexicology with syntax.

The connection of lexicology with stylistics.

The connection of lexicology with grammar. brothers – brethren; arms “weapon”; authority –authorities. Lexical oppositions work::worker, food::feed – grammatical oppositions work :: worked (Inf :: Past Ind); feed :: fed (Inf :: Past Ind). Word-formation.

Lexicology: Lexicological Phonetics, Semasiology, Onomasiology or Nomination Theory, Etymology, Phraseology, Lexicography, Lexical Morphology, Word-formation.

4. Word. Morpheme (post-imperssionists): lexical morphemes and grammatical (functional) morphemes; free and bound. Free lexical morphemes: roots. Free grammatical morphemes: function words. Bound lexical morphemes are affixes. Bound grammatical morphemes are endings.

The problem of word-boundaries: 1) a, to, and; 2) stone wall; 3) his I-love-you’s. Varinats: 1) to give a pen, to give a smile, to give an answer; 2) often; 3) learned – learnt, geographic – geographical.


1) It has been syntactically defined for instance as “the minimum sentence” (H. Sweet).

2) The syntactic and semantic aspects (E. Sapir). a lion – alive.

3) Purely semantic treatment (Stephen Ullman) “… these meaningful units are called words”.

4) The semantic-phonological approach (A.H. Gardiner): “A word is an articulate sound-symbol in its aspect of denoting something which is spoken about.”

5) A. Meillet combines the semantic, phonological and grammatical criteria.

5.Stages of scientific research: observation, classification, generalization, verification.

Contrastive Analysis: cousin; head; a new dress, new potatoes, new bread.

Statistical methods of analysis

Immediate Constituent Analysis (IC): snow covered – snow + covered; blue-eyed – blue + eye + ed; a black dress in severe style – a black dress / in severe style.

Distributional Analysis: to treat smb well (treat + N + Adv); to treat smb to ice-cream (treat + N + to + N).

Transformational Analysis: dogfight – a fight between dogs, dogcart – a cart drawn by dogs. His work is excellent – his excellent work – the excellence of his work – he works excellently.

Componental Analysis: woman (human, female, adult). Girl (human, female, young).

2. Theory of meaning. Typology of meanings

Direct – figurative. “Rain” (a story my W.S. Maugham).

Abstract – concrete. Screen, fire-screen (direct meaning); smoke screen (figurative meaning). A screen (экран) – secondary meaning. screen actor, screen star, screen version – abstract.

Denotative – connotative. To glare, to glance (to look). Connotative components: to glare (to look + duration, emotive connotation); to glance (to look + duration). Types of connotations: the connotation of degree and intensity; duration; emotive connotations; evaluative connotations; causative connotations; the connotation of manner; the connotation of attendant circumstances; stylistic connotations.

Generic – specific: rose – flower.

Encyclopaedic – naïve.

Cognitive – pragmatic. “dog” cognitive – an animal kept as a pet used for hunting and guarding; pragmatic – devoted, friend – positive; wicked, bites, evil – negative

Etymological, archaic, present-day, original.

Hornby’s dictionary: Witness 1 – evidence testimony (a direct, abstract, primary meaning); witness 2 – a person who has first-hand knowledge of an event and is able to describe it (a metonymical, concrete, secondary meaning); witness 3 – a person who gives evidence after oath in a law court (a metonymical, concrete, secondary meaning specialized from witness 2); witness 4 – a person who puts his signature to a document by the side of that of the chief person who signs it (a metonymical, concrete, secondary meaning specialized from witness 2).

Other types: Associative meaning. Broad meaning. Categorial meaning. Contextual (contextually-bound) meaning. Further meaning. Grammatical meaning. Idiomatic meaning.

V.V. Vinogradov: the meaning of a word can be: 1. Nominative. 2. Nominative-derivative: 1) Sweet face, voice, little baby. 2) Hand – рука, стрелка часов face-лицо, циферблат часов (of a clock); foot- нога, подножие горы; leg- нога, ножка стула; tongue-язык, языки пламени eye-глаз, ушко иголки. 3. Collocationally or colligationally conditioned: 1) to tell – рассказать, сказать. In passive constructions means to order/to direct. You must do what you’re told. 2) A herd of cows, a flock of sheep. 4. Phraseologically bound: to kick the bucket = to die.

Approaches to lexical meaning

The disciples of Sassure: meaning to be the relation between the object and the name itself; descriptive linguists of the Bllomfieldian: the meaning as the situation in which the word is uttered; St. Ullmann: a reciprocal relation between name and sense; J.L. Firth: meaning, then, we use the whole complex of functions which a linguistic form may have; M.A.K. Halliday: a function of the descriptions at all levels.

The referential model. Reference (referential content). Referent. Denotatum. Referential meaning

The relationships between referent (object), concept and word are traditionally represented by the following triangle.


S ymbol Referent

The functional approach.

Semantics: synchronic semantics, diachronic semantics, stylistic semantics.

Lexical meaning and concept

1) “Vile bug of a coward,” said Lypiatt, “why don’t you defend yourself like a man?” (Huxley).

2) die – pass away, kick the bucket.

3) child, kid – infant. Draw – 1) move by pulling; 2) obtain from a source; 3) make with a pen, pencil or chalk.

4) мужчина, человек – man. 1) boat судно, шлюпка, лодка, пароход, floor пол, этаж; dream мечта, сон; blue синий, голубой; 2) нога foot, leg, рука hand, arm, часы watch, clock, пальцы fingers, toes.

Lexical and grammatical meaning

He has gone to China. They are going to get married soon. The children went wild with excitement.

Tea combines with strong but not with strongly.

Works – factory.

Give a smile, turn red.

Youth: 1) the friends of one’s youth, 2) “young man” (plural – youths); 3) “young men and women”.

Carry: “to support the weight of a thing, and to move it form one place to another”. N1 + carry + N2 (Railways and ships carry goods) or N1 + carry + N2 + prep + N3 (She was carrying the baby in her arms). “To have the power to reach”: N1 + carry + prep + N2 (His voice carried across the room).

Denotation and signification.

“dog”: significative – a dog is a man’s friend; How long can a dog live? Denotative – I have a dog. This dog lives with me for a long time.

They have got a parrot. This parrot has been with them for a long time. This parrot is a funny creature. A representative of a class (denotative – конкретный) 2) How long can a parrot live? A name of a class (significative – усредненный).