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Методичн_ рекомендац_ї практика мови.doc
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Рубіжний і підсумковий контроль

  • Опитування на кожному занятті.

  • Письмова контрольна робота по закінченні кожного уроку.

  • Екзаменаційна письмова робота наприкінці семестру(переклад з української та російської мови англійською)

Рекомендована література

T. M. Tymoshenkova. English for Advanced Students: Навчальний посібник з аналітичного читання для студентів 5 курсу. -Х.: ХГУ” НУА” , 2010 – 100с.

Зразок роботи над вокабуляром

deny vt Ant. to admit, to confirm. (1) to say that smth. is not true, as to deny a fact (a statement, a possibility, a doctrine, a charge, an accusation, a fault); to deny a request for smth. (for help, money, books, etc.); to deny the existence of smth. (one’s words, etc.). In court you can always deny a phone call. He’s a jolly good fellow, which nobody can deny. I deny he has done it. It cannot be denied that the statement is true. She denied that she had been given the book. A fault once denied is twice committed. (Prov.)

There is no denying the fact that …, e. g. There’s no denying the fact that the charges brought against him were true.

(2) to refuse to give. to deny smth. (to) a person, e. g. I was denied this. This was denied (to) me.

to deny a person smth. e. g. He denied me this. He was denied admission. She can deny her children nothing.

to deny oneself smth., e. g. He denied herself all luxuries (every luxury). The mother denied herself everything to feed the child (for her child; for the sake of her child).

denial n, e. g. His denial of our request surprised everybody. Their denials of the charges brought against them did not help them. He made a public denial of his faith. The prisoner met the charge with a flat (sweeping) denial.

to take no denial, e. g. I’ll be expecting you at five. I take no denial.

self-denial n, e. g. She practices self-denial.

Synonyms: to deny, to refuse, to give up

to deny means to refuse to give, to refuse to allow smb. to do or to have smth.

e. g. He denied me the right to do it.

I was denied everything.

The preferred pattern is to deny smb, smth. or to be denied smth.

NOTE: to deny is never followed by an infinitive.

to refuse means to say no to smth. that is asked of or offered to us. The patterns in which to refuse is used are:

  1. to refuse smth., as to refuse an offer (an invitation, smb.’s help, money, one’s consent, etc.)

e. g. He refused my help.

  1. to refuse to do smth.

e. g. I refused to do it (to go there, to help them, etc.)

  1. to refuse smb. smth.

  2. e. g. She can’t refuse him anything (=what he asks for).

NOTE: the pattern to refuse smb. is usually used when, for instance, a man asks a girl to be his wife and she refuses him. Compare the following sentences:

  1. He proposed to her. She refused him.

  1. He asked her to give him the book. She refused.

  2. He offered her his help. She refused it.

So the English for Я їх просила про це, але вони мені (вам, їй, йому, їм, нам) відмовили will be: I asked them to do it but they refused.

to give up means 1. to part with smth. or smb. to sacrifice smth.

e. g. He gave up the girl he loved.

He gave up his seat to a woman with a baby.

The fort was given up to the enemy.

She gave up every hope of seeing him again.

  1. to stop doing smth.

e. g. He gave up his studies (work, research, the experiment, etc.).

He gave up smoking (drinking, shaving, etc.).

You were late and we gave up (=stopped expecting you).

The doctors gave her up (=stopped trying to cure her).

The patterns are: 1. to give a person or thing up.

e. g. Give it up. She gave him up.

2. to give up a thing or a person.

e. g. Why not give up this idea?

  1. to give up doing smth.

e. g. He had to give up swimming on account of his weak heart.

to deny, to contradict

to deny means to declare that smth. is untrue, to refuse to admit or believe.

e. g. He denied the fact.

She denied my having said it. (заперечувати)

to contradict is not only to say that smth. is not true, but to declare that the contrary is true.

e. g. You contradict yourself (=say the contrary of what you said). (суперечити)

The reports contradict each other (=say the opposite). (суперечити)

The statement has been officially contradicted (= the contrary was true). (спростувати).