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Speech patterns

  • Do you get the picture?

  • Please be advised that…

  • I regret to inform you that…

  • I hate to disappoint you, but…

  • I apologize for the inconveniences, but…

  • If it’s okay with you

  • As you are aware,…

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences. And create your own with the given speech patterns.

  1. “Do you understand the situation. If we fail to make a good presentation, they will close our project. Do you get the picture?” 2. “Please be advised that due to the stormy weather, your flight is cancelled” 3. “I regret to inform you that our project was cancelled”. 4. I hate to disappoint you, but we have to cancel our trip. 5. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we have to delay your flight for technical reasons”. 6. If it’s OK with you, I would like to spend our next vacation in Brazil. 7. As you are aware, money doesn’t grow on trees.

Exercise 2. Fill in the gaps from the active speech patterns.

  1. There is the delay at the airport because of the long check-in procedure and some people get angry because they simply don’t ___________. 2. _____________, the flight 627 arrived 15 minutes ago and we’re waiting for our guests. 3. Please _______________ that smoking in the non-smoking areas is prohibited. 4. I’d like to go home by taxi, ___________, I’m so tired after the flight across the ocean. 5. ______________, but the flight from LA is delayed and approximate time of delaying is unknown. 6.(Flight attendant to her colleague) I ___________ you, but there is angry passenger, who claims that you’ve brought to him spoilt food.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

  1. Як Вам уже відомо, рух транспорту було змінено. З новим Ви можете ознайомитися на сайті Міністерства Транспорту України. 2. Ми перепрошуємо за незручності, але як тільки рух буде відновлено Вам повідомлять. 3. Якщо Вас це влаштує, я б змінив би час Вашої відпустки. 4. Мені прикро тебе розчаровувати, але для цієї поїздки у тебе недостатньо коштів на рахунку і це може бути головною проблемою при отриманні візи. 5. Якщо ми змінимо план нашого маршруту, то ми тільки виграємо як в часі, так і в грошах. Ти це розумієш? 6. Мені прикро доносити ці погані вісті, але через епідемію грипу заборонено в’їзд чи виїзд з країни.

Grammar Spot

Direct and Reported Speech

Exercise 1. Read the sentences under the pictures and write the new ones with the same meaning.

Example: He said, “I have come too late.”

He said he had come too late.

  1. She asked the policeman, “Must I pay a fine?”

She asked _____________________________

2 . He said, “Go over that bridge.”

He told _______________________________

3 . The sailor said to his friend, “The work seems useless to me.”

The sailor told_________________________

4. She said to him, “It is kind of you to help me.”

She told_________________________

5. They said, “We have to travel without conveniences.”

They told ____________________________

6 . The policeman said to the driver, “ I hope I’ll help you.”

The policeman hoped that _____________

Exercise 2. Put the predicates of the Principal Clauses in the Past Indefinite Tense and make the necessary changes in the subordinate Clauses observing the Sequence of Tenses.

  1. I suppose that they are standing in the queue at the booking office. 2. They say that they are not afraid of being seasick. 3. The newspapers write that this voyage is the most interesting one. 4. He is sure that the cruise is going to start in the seaport of Dover. 5. Nora says that they want to take a taxi not to miss the train. 6. We know that we have to book a room at the hotel. 7. She says that she has already sent a telegram to my parents. 8. The attendant is not sure that this passenger has left his ticket at home. 9. She writes in her letter that she was having a sea trip for a week. 10. They are surprised that the train has not pulled out yet. 11. I doubt if they will go there by plane. 12. This passenger is afraid that he will have to pay extra for his luggage. 13. He says that we shall have a short rest in this hotel. 14.The administrator says that everybody must fill in a registration form. 15. She says that I should do it at once. 16. His mother says that we needn't go there by train.

Exercise 3. First read then report what the flight attendant told the passengers before takeoff.

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