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Unit 1-16.doc
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Вилли Вебер ответит за лжесвидетельство?

Штутгарт – Вилли Веберу, менеджеру шестикратного чемпиона мира Михаэля Шумахера, предстоит дать объяснения в суде после того как он как будто подстрекал свидетеля к лжесвидетельству в суде, как заявил официальный представитель штутгартской прокуратуры в прошлую среду.

Экхард Маак подтвердил сообщение прессы о том, что вокруг Вебера ведется расследование в связи с лжесвидетельством против Удо Вагенхаойзера.

Вагенхаойзер ранее был свидетелем по делу, в котором был замешан и Вебер. Спортивный журналист Буркхард Нуппени подал иск против менеджера Шумахеров на несколько миллионов евро, поскольку, по его заявлению, он имеет право на десять процентов прибыли братьев Шумахер.

Вебер заявил, что соглашение октября 1988 года было расторгнуто два года спустя. Вагенхаойзер, возможно по договоренности с менеджером Шумахеров, тогда заявил в суде, что Нуппени сказал ему в 1990 году, что он больше не связан с Вебером.

Ex. 171. Read.


Just for fun!

t the height of a highly publicized political corruption trial, the prosecuting attorney lashed out at a witness. "Isn't it true," he bellowed, "that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?"

The witness stared out the window, as though he hadn't hear the question.

The prosecutor again blared, "Isn't it true that you accepted five thousand dollars to compromise this case?"

The witness still did not respond.

Finally, the judge leaned over and said, "Sir, please answer the question."

"Oh," the startled witness said, "I thought he was talking to you."

Ex. 172. Find the synonyms.

  1. testify

  2. obligation

  3. similarity

  4. attorney

  5. plaintiff

  6. penalty

  7. to take an oath

  8. subpoena

  9. compulsory

  10. certify

  11. comply

  12. presume

    1. complainant

    2. fulfil

    3. give evidence

    4. guarantee

    5. lawyer

    6. necessity

    7. obligatory

    8. punishment

    9. resemblance

    10. summons

    11. suppose

    12. swear













Ex. 173. Find information about summons and compare with this article.

A subpoena is "a command to appear at a certain time and place to give testimony upon a certain matter."

A subpoena is used to compel the testimony of witnesses in a trial or other adversarial proceeding. Subpoenas are issued by the clerk of the court in the name of the judge presiding over the case in which the witness is to testify. Typically subpoenas are issued "in blank" and it is the responsibility of the lawyer representing the plaintiff or defendant on whose behalf the testimony is to be given to serve the subpoena on the witness.

The subpoena has its source in English common law and it is now used almost with universal application throughout the Anglo-American common law world. However, for Civil proceedings in England and Wales, the term has been replaced by witness summons, as part of reforms to replace Latin terms with easier to understand English terms.

Ex. 174. Choose the proper words and fill the sentences in.

1. Former U.S. President Bill Clinton was accused of ………….. - and as a result was fined for contempt of court, agreed to be disbarred, and was impeached by the House of Representatives on December 19, 1998. The Senate rejected the perjury with 55 not-guilty votes and 45 guilty votes. No criminal charges were ever brought.

2. In law, oaths are made by a witness to a court of law before giving …………….. and usually by a newly-appointed government officer to the people of a state before taking office. In both of those cases, though, an affirmation can be usually substituted. A written statement, if the author swears the statement is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, is called an………………….

3. Legal reforms from the 18th century onwards mean that everyone in the United Kingdom now has the right to make a solemn affirmation instead of an…………..

4. Two teenage Ohio girls posted a fake announcement on their school district's Web site that said school was closed for the day due to winter weather. The two high school students were charged in …………………….and face expulsion*. 5. A ceramic stove salesman who chipped a tooth on a cookie while visiting a customer is entitled to compensation for his dental work after a court ruled it a work-related injury. The Swedish Supreme Administrative Court ruled in favour of the ………………. for state compensation, saying the injury was work-related because it occurred while he was on the job. *expulsion – увольнение (с работы); исключение (из школы, клуба)

affidavit; claimant; juvenile court; oath; perjury; testimony

Ex. 175. Give the adequate translation of the sentences.

1. Contractors who fall behind schedule incur heavy financial penalties. 2. Do you think she’s telling the truth? 3. English is a compulsory subject at this level. 4. He was summoned to testify before a grand jury. 5. I know I can trust her in any circumstance. 6. He’s on trial for murder. 7. He will be sent back to England to be on trial for armed robbery. 8. Throughout the trial she clung to the believe that he was innocent. 9. The arrest was entirely unconnected to the murder investigation, they stressed. 10. He has been served with a subpoena ordering him to appear at the tribunal in London on Wednesday. 11. A computer analyst who has given expert testimony in highly-sensitive court cases has been charged with perjury. 12. Eye witnesses have described the scene as a gunman killed several people in a shopping mall in Utah. 13. Unemployed loner Barry George was today sentenced to life imprisonment after he was found guilty of the murder of television presenter Jill Dando. 14. The judge said:"Many people believe that circumstantial evidence is not as valuable as direct evidence, such as forensic evidence*. But in this case each bit of circumstantial evidence was like a piece of a jigsaw, which fitted together to build up the complete and compelling picture."

*forensic evidence - показания судебного эксперта

Ex. 176. Fill in the gaps with the English equivalents of the words in brackets.

1. The Appeal Court has overturned a ruling that expert witnesses should be (освобожден)…………………. from disciplinary action by their regulatory body. 2. In July this year Mr Decabral told the Sunday Mirror that he had been threatened in an attempt to stop him (давать показания) ………………………….. in court. 3. A parcel delivery worker has been told to expect to spend the rest of his life (в тюрьме) ……………………… for the murder of Leeds teenager Leanne Tiernan. 4. Mr Symonds said false reports would be (расследован) ………………………… and those making them could possibly be prosecuted. 5. Detectives investigating the murder of a gap year student in south west London have released CCTV images of two potential (свидетелей)………………………. 6. Lord Saville has already heard (показания)……………………. from almost 800 witnesses, including the prime minister in 1972, Sir Edward Heath. 7. (Прокурор) …………………… have ordered police to carry out a criminal investigation into allegations of perjury during Tommy Sheridan's defamation case. 8. Soldier L had has been served with a (повестка) ……………………… ordering him to appear at the tribunal in London on Wednesday. 9. Rap star Lil' Kim, convicted of (лжесвидетельство) …………………… and conspiracy in March, has been sentenced to a year in jail for lying to a grand jury to protect friends. 10. The ship sank in mysterious (обстоятельствах) …………………….. 11. The (судебный процесс) …………… is expected to continue for three months. 12. Various religious groups have objected to the taking of (клятвы)………………...

Ex. 177. Translate the sentences.

1. Об исчезновении N. стало известно в понедельник, 24 июля, когда свидетель не явился на очередное судебное слушание. 2. Перед допросом следователь удостоверяется в личности свидетеля, разъясняет ему его обязанности и предупреждает об ответственности за отказ или дачу ложных показаний. 3. В четверг аудитор Дэвид Дункан (David Duncan) отказался давать показания на слушаниях по делу компании Enron, которые проходят в Конгрессе США.. 4. Родственники погибшего обвиняют в его смерти еврейских поселенцев, хотя непосредственных свидетелей происшедшего пока не найдено. 5. Группа из 12 американских акционеров "ЮКОСа" осенью 2005 года подала судебный иск против России и ряда энергетических компаний. 6. Судья назначил ему наказание – год тюремного заключения. 7. Он свидетельствовал, что во время убийства был в театре. 8. Это дело никогда не дойдет до суда. 9. По телевизору было дано такое подробное описание преступления, что подростки решили попробовать совершить его. 10. Поскольку он дал большую сумму денег на благотворительные цели, он был освобожден от уплаты налогов.

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