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T he word "menu" conjures up images of a restaurant – specifically, of a list of items available at a restaurant. A menu might consist of single items, or may be combinations of items. A customer may choose any single item or items on the menu or may elect to purchase a pre-set combination. Prices for each item or combination are clearly indicated, allowing the patron to choose a meal based on a balance between desire and financial ability. A patron can make tradeoffs among different choices on the menu based on the prices and the relative satisfaction he/she would get from those choices.A Price Menu assists salespeople in helping a prospective buyer to assess the different levels of value that might be gained from different offerings. By clearly identifying the value of the various offerings on the Price Menu to the buyer, the salesperson help the customer make informed choices based on the prices charged and the value actually delivered.Like a restaurant menu, a Price Menu can specify any criteria that would determine who may and who may not purchase particular offerings. In so doing, the Price Menu help a company erect barriers between its various customer segments, so as to avoid customers from one segment purchasing at more favorable prices offered to another segment.

A t a restaurant, the price of the dish may reflect the cost of the ingredients, but those costs make up only a small fraction of the price. We know that we also contribute toward the restaurant’s many direct and indirect costs, including real estate, electricity, labour, licence fees, decor, and more. In restaurant budgeting terms, the portion that food takes up in the cost of running a restaurant is quite simply called “food cost”. High food cost is something that chefs flaunt. As food costs go, that is a very high proportion for a fine dining restaurant and could mean great food but also low profitability. Our restaurant's food cost should ideally top out at 30 per cent for profitability.


Inventory turnover depends on the sales, and sales related to promotion. Promotion is the main place role in making profit, while advertisement helps to sales. There, we will focus on the promotion. It is expected that we will not have luck of advertisement because such big projects will make automatically popularity amount people. Furthermore, it will lead higher number of customers in the first year. However, marketing does not exist without promotion and that is why will make a big discount and for first customers. Our chef can prepare not only Kazakh cuisine, but also a variety of cuisines as well as hot meals and sweet desserts, and sometimes we will have shares for a certain time, you can dishes from other countries. Thus, our first customers will be in the membership of our restaurant. This strategy will changes from first customers to the regular. Our promotion divided into 3 sections:

  1. The Internet public relations is will help us to untwist our restaurant on the highest level because now we live in an eyelid where everything is very developed, especially we want to acquaint all with our Kazakh cuisine.

  2. Newspapers - Presently every second reads the newspaper to be to a course of all latest news, thus we can let to them know about opening of our new restaurant.

  3. Radio – nowadays, many people driving and listening the radio. That is why we will publish our restaurant to radio. To promoting people to go to restaurant.

Sales Forecast

Our project requires a large number of investments. And the first question which occurs where we can receive such big investments? In a problem always there is a response. And we found the response in it this question. As we know that in any bank there are many types of loans. Thus they can grant us the good loan with a good interest rate. At the beginning it will be really heavy to us to extinguish the credit. But we expect that that every month, to us there will be everything easier and easier to extinguish it. I hope that the bank will agree to give out the credit in a large sum despite all possible outcomes. The single warranty for them this that, at present there wasn’t such restaurant in Malaysia similar to ours.

Exit Strategy

How to avoid the fact that the loss did not go in and close the business?

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