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The Present Perfect Tense.

The ways of formation:

The affirmative form; It's formed by means of the auxiliary verb "have" or 'has* with the third person singular and P II of the notional verb. For example: I have been to London for a long time.

The interrogative form:

The General question: The auxiliary verb "have" or "has" Is placed before the subject. For example: Have you slept since last night?

Kinds of questions : The special question. Where have you been today? Who has known him for many years? After the interrogative word "who” the auxiliary verb 'has' is used.

The alternative question: Have you known him for many weeks or months?

The disjunctive question: He has translated a lot of articles this year, hasn't he?

The negative form: The negative particle "not" Is placed after the auxiliary verb "have" or "has". For example: We have not met for ages.

It s usage:

  1. It denotes a completed action connected with present. For example: Stop that car! They have killed a child. The following adverbs are used in this tense: just, already, yet, ever, never, etc. For example: I have just written an article.

  2. This tense is used in ad verbal clauses of time after the conjunctions: when, till, until, before, after, etc to denote an action completed before a definite moment in the future. For example: I'm not going till you have answered me.

  3. This tense denotes an action which began in the past has been going on up to the present and still going on. The preposition "for" is used to denote the whole period of duration. The preposition "since" is used to include the starting point of the action. If the conjunction "since" introduces a clause the verb in this clause is in the past. For example: there have you been since last Thursday?

Participle II.

The ways of formation of the P II. The P II is formed by means of the third form of the irregular verbs or the ending "-ed" if the verb is regular. The article "the" is used before the PII.

The functions of P II in the sentence:

  1. The P II as an attribute. When it's used as an attribute P II of transitive verbs corresponds to the Russian "относиться к страдательному причастию или действительному причастию" of some verbs ending in "-ся". For example: The problem discussed at the meeting. The Pll of intransitive verbs which denote passing into a new state corresponds to the Russian "действительное причастие или to an adjective". For example: The fallen star, the vanished jewels, etc.

  2. The P II as an adverbial modifier:

  1. of time. For example: When questioned Annie she answered nothing

  2. of condition. For example: if discoverest, would bring them into the police count.

  3. of comparison. For example: Mr. Black shook his head as though lost in wonder and admiration.

  1. The P II as a predicative. For example: In spite of himself Vail was impressed.

  2. The P II as a part of complex object. For example: She has found me unaltered, but I have found her changed.