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Human rights.

Human rights are commonly understood as fundamental rights to which a person is entitled simply because she or he is a human being. One should distinguish between human rights and civil rights. Human rights are those that individuals have by their existence as human beings. The right to life itself and the basic necessities of food and clothing may be considered fundamental human rights. Civil, or legal, rights are those granted by a government. The right to vote at age 18 is a civil right, not a human right.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), one of the most recent declarations of human rights, occurred after World War II. This doctrine lists specific human rights, such as the right not to be tortured, the right to own property, and the right to asylum. These rights are fundamental and take part in various other doctrines, declarations and constitutions. From this point, one can see how human rights have slowly moved away from society’s moral code to political interests.

The beginning of the United States of America is another example of political change by means of human rights. At the time, America was only a colony of England, it had to follow the British laws. They didn’t like this idea and created a Constitution. A Bill of Rights was included in this Constitution. The Bill of Rights protected the natural basic rights of the human being. These are the rights to liberty, property, and individualism.

In conclusion, I would like to add that nothing can deprive human rights. I believe in the idea that these rights we got not from the government, but from God.