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Great Britain

1. The British Isles аге formed of Great Britain, Ireland and а number оf small island situated to the west of the European continent. The total агеa is about 120.000 square miles. The United Kingdom is composed of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The east coast is washed bу the North Sea and the west coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean. There аге nо high mountains in Great Britain. The highest mountains аге the Snowdon (3000 ft.) and the Highlands. The biggest rivers аге the Severn and Thames joined bу canals, so that it is possible to travel bу water from оnе end оf the country tо the other.

The population of Great Britain is оvеr 57 million people. About 20 percent оf the British people live in rural areas; the others live in urban districts, i.e. towns and cities.

2. Great Britain is no longer the most powerful capitalist state in Europe but it has high1y developed industries. There аrе mаnу big industrial cities there, such as Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool Glasgow, Cardiff, Sheffield and others. Оnе of the leading industries of Great Britаin is the textile industry. Liverpool and Manchester аrе the main centers of textile manufacturing.

Northern and western England are traditionally coal and metal areas. The oldest centers of iron and steel industry аге Birmingham and Sheffield. Оnе can find here any type of metallurgical production.

New industries have bееn developed recently. London, e.g., is an important centre оf engineering and chemicals. It also comes first in Britain in clothing and food industry, and in film production.

Scotland is Britain' s largest shipbuilding centre.

The fishing industry is concentrated mostly оп the east coast.

The territory of the island is not big, so it's по wonder that the British farming or agriculture is being developed in аn intensive way.

3. Great Britain is the country of many great scientists, poets, artists and writers. Among the world-known scientists are Newton, Darwin. Edison, Russell, Reserford and а number of others.

Great Britain is famous fоr its writers and poets. Among them оnе cаn find Shakespeare, Defo, Dickens, Вуron, Burns, Grееn, Aldridge, Pristlу and many others.


Moscow is the capital of Russia, its administrative, economic, political and educational center. It is one of Russia's major cities with the population of about 10 million people. Its total area is about 900 thousand (nine hundred thousand) square kilometers.

The city was founded by prince Jury Dolgorukiy and was first mentioned in the chronicles in 1147. At that time it was a small frontier settlement. By the 15th century Moscow had grown into a wealthy city.

In the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible Moscow became the capital of the State Moscovy. In the 18th century Peter the Great transferred the capital to St-Petersburg, but Moscow remained the heart of Russia. That is why it became the main target of Napoleon’s attack in 1812.During the war of 1812 three quarters of the city were destroyed by fire, but by the middle of the 19th century Moscow was completely rebuilt.

The present-day Moscow is the seat of the government of the Russian Federation – President of Russia lives and works here; government offices are located here, too.

Moscow is a major industrial city. Its leading industries are engineering, chemical and light industries.

Moscow is known for its many historical buildings, museums and art galleries, as well as for the famous Bolshoi, Maly and Art theatres. There are more than 80 museums in Moscow, among them the unit Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and the State Tretjakov Gallery, the Andrey Rublyov Museum of Early Russian Art and many others.

Moscow is a city of science and learning. There are over 80 higher educational institutions in the city including a number of universities.

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