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Список использованной литературы

1. Авдюхин А.А, Жуков А.В. “Интерфейсы периферийных устройств. ” – СПб. СПбГПУ, 2003г.

2. Угрюмов Е.П. “Цифровая схемотехника” Спб. БХВ-Петербург, 2004

3. Антонов А.П. “Язык описания аппаратуры AlteraHDL”

4. Nios Development Board. Cyclone II Edition Reference Manual

Приложение 1

Рис. пр_1. 1. Общая схема устройства.

Рис. пр_1.2. Схема блока RS_232_Analyzer_Incoming

Рис. пр_1.3. Схема блока Part3.

Рис. пр_1.4. Схема блока Part4.

Приложение 2.

1. Текст автомата rs_232_Analyzer (rs_232_Analyzer_Incoming).

Entity RS_232_Analyzer is


(RS232, External_Clk : in bit;

D : in bit_vector (5 downto 1);

p, count_en, sclr : out bit;

byte : out bit_vector (7 downto 0));

end RS_232_Analyzer;

architecture arch of RS_232_Analyzer is

type std_logic_vector is (init, count, count2);

signal fsm_state :std_logic_vector;


process (External_Clk)


if External_clk'event and External_clk='1' then

case fsm_state is

when init => if RS232='0' then

fsm_state <= count;

else fsm_state <= init;

end if;

when count => if D(5 downto 1)= "00001" then

if RS232 = '1' then fsm_state <= init;

elsif RS232 = '0' then fsm_state <= count2;

end if;

end if;

when count2 => if D(5 downto 1)= "10011" then fsm_state <= init;

end if;

end case;

end if;

end process;

PROCESS (D, fsm_state, RS232)


CASE fsm_state is

when init => sclr <='0';

byte (7 downto 0) <= "00000000";

p <= '0';

if RS232 = '0' then sclr <= '1'; count_en <='1';

else count_en <='0';

end if;

when count => count_en <= '1';

byte (7 downto 0) <= "00000000";

p <= '0';

sclr <= '0';

if D(5 downto 1)="00001" then if RS232 = '1' then sclr <= '1';

elsif RS232 = '0' then sclr <= '0';

end if;

end if;

when count2 => count_en <= '1'; sclr <= '0';

if D(5 downto 1)="00011" then if RS232 = '1' then byte(0) <= '1';

else byte(0) <= '0';

end if;

elsif D(5 downto 1)="00101" then if RS232 = '1' then byte(1) <= '1';

else byte(1) <= '0';

end if;

elsif D(5 downto 1)="00111" then if RS232 = '1' then byte(2) <= '1';

else byte(2) <= '0';

end if;

elsif D(5 downto 1)="01001" then if RS232 = '1' then byte(3) <= '1';

else byte(3) <= '0';

end if;

elsif D(5 downto 1)="01011" then if RS232 = '1' then byte(4) <= '1';

else byte(4) <= '0';

end if;

elsif D(5 downto 1)="01101" then if RS232 = '1' then byte(5) <= '1';

else byte(5) <= '0';

end if;

elsif D(5 downto 1)="01111" then if RS232 = '1' then byte(6) <= '1';

else byte(6) <= '0';

end if;

elsif D(5 downto 1)="10001" then if RS232 = '1' then byte(7) <= '1';

else byte(7) <= '0';

end if;

end if;

if D(5 downto 1)= "10011" then if RS232 = '1' then p <= '1';

sclr <= '1';

else p <= '0';

end if;

end if;

end case;


end arch;

2.Текст подблока Decounter (Part3).

Entity decounter is


(clk, eq, ena : in bit;

result : in integer range 0 to 255;

colimp : out integer range 0 to 255);

end decounter;

architecture arch of decounter is

type std_logic_vector is (init, count);

signal fsm_state :std_logic_vector;


process(clk, eq)


if clk'event and clk = '1' then

case fsm_state is

when init => if eq = '1' then fsm_state <= count;

else fsm_state <= init;

end if;

when count => if eq = '0' then fsm_state <= init;

else fsm_state <= count;

end if;

end case;

end if;

end process;

process (clk, eq, ena, result)

variable counter: integer range 0 to 255:=0;


if clk'event and clk = '1' then

case fsm_state is

when init => counter := result;

colimp <= counter;

when count => if eq = '1' and ena = '1' then

counter := counter - 1;

colimp <= counter;

end if;

end case;

end if;

end process;

end arch;