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шупор готов по фонетике.docx
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1)Loss of plosion.

When two plosive consonants having the same place of articulation, are in contact within a word or at a word junction, there is a complete loss of plosion of the first consonant, i.e. the obstruction is removed and a plosion is heard only after the second consonant. E.g: what time? What day?

When the contacting plosives have different places of articulation(pt, tk, db, gd) the obstruction of the first consonant is not removed until the articulation of the second consonant has started. The release of the first consonant is, therefore, very weak, and there is a perceptible plosion only after the second consonant. Thus, the phenomenon of the loss of plosion actually takes place in any cluster of two plosive consonants.

2)Nasal plosion.

At the junction of the plosive consonants(t,d,p,b,k,g) with the nasal sonorants(m,n) the articulation of the sonorant starts when the articulation of the plosive consonant is not yet finished. As a result, instead of the removing the obstruction in the mouth cavity, the air stream passes though the nasal cavity producing the effect of a nasal plosion.e.g: shouldn’t, wouldn’t. meet my aunt.

3)Lateral plosion.

At the junction of a plosive consonant with the lateral sonorant(l) the plosion is heard during the pronunciation of the sonorant as the air stream passes along the sides of the tongue, lowered for the articulation of (l). this phenomenon is known as lateral plosion.e.g: place, blow, kettle.

4)Fricative plosion.

When a plosive consonant precedes a fricative consonant in a word or at a junction of words it has its release during the pronunciation of the fricative. This phenomenon is the result of close coarticulation of adjacent consonants in English and called fricative plosion.e.g: let’s, what’s, stops,walks.

5)Alveolar consonants before(q,6).

At the junction of the alveolar consonants(t,d,n,l,s,z) and the interdental consonants (Q,6) regressive assimilation affecting the place of articulation is observed: the alveolar consonants are represented by their dental variants(allophones): ninth ,sixteenth, about the text.

6)Combinations of consonants with (w).

Consonants preceding [w], especially in a stressed syllable, are labialized, i.e. regressive assimilation affecting the position of lips takes place: twist, quarter, switch.

When the consonant [w] is preceded by a voiceless consonant there is also some devoicing of the sonorant. The devoicing is especially strong after [t,k] in a stressed syllable and is weaker in unstressed syllables and at a syllable or word boundary. Thus in the clusters [tw,kw,sw] double assimilation takes place: twenty, quiet, sweep.


When a word ending in [ ],[ ],[ ]or[ ] is immediately followed by a word beginning with a vowel, the sound[ ] is very often inserted at the end of the first word joining it to the next one. When the spelling of the word ends in the letter “r”, the inserted r-sound is called the intrusive [r]. when there is no “r’ in spelling, the inserted r-sound is called the intrusive[r].(e.g:the idea[r] of it). Notice, however, the absence of linking [r] in such “inconvenient” word sequences as ‘a roar of laughter’, ‘an error of judgement’[ ].

8)Combinations of voiceless consonants with [r] [tr,pr,kr,str,Or,fr,sr].

In the clusters of voiceless consonants with the sonorant[r] complete or partial devoicing of the sonorant takes place-progressive assimilation affecting the work of the vocal cords. The sound [r] is completely or almost completely devoiced when it is preceded by a voiceless plosive consonant [p,t,k] in a stressed syllable: train, pride, cry.

In an unstressed position, at a word boundary or when [p,t,k] are preceded by [s] or some other fricative consonant the devoicing of [r]is partial: waitress, temperature. A similar effect both in stressed and unstressed syllables is produced when [r] is immediately preceded by a fricative consonant: friend, three, fruit.

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