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Business Communication. Силантьев..doc
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III. Conclusion.

Business communication is any communication used to build partnerships, intellectual resources, to promote an idea, a product, service, or an organization – with the objective of creating value for your business.

Not one person from the scope of business and entrepreneurship at the present time can not escape the process of communicating with its own staff and the firm's trading partners, with the authorities, employees of legal or judicial authorities, with agents or contractors, which requires certain skills and knowledge of the psychology of business communication.

Ability to properly and adequately to behave during business communication - one of the main components of the success of a business person and leader. The ability to peaceably and productively to this process is one of the most essential qualities for someone who wants to succeed in business. That is, you must have knowledge of areas such as ethics and etiquette, which will allow you to "face" out of any negotiations and business contacts.

You also need to be able to manage the process, influencing people so that there was no stress or conflict. To do this, there are some things, compliance with which can most effectively negotiate with people who know how to persuade and thereby achieve the goals and objectives for which it began the process of conversation. Selecting the target conversation, you should be able to convince the partners in the correctness of your point of view, without pressure and without imposing their point of view.

Having mastered the basics of business communication, practice using them in the case of a company, you are doomed to be a successful leader every day!

List of bibliographies.

  1. Учебное пособие “English for managers”. И.П. Агабекян. Издат-во Проспект. 2009.

  2. Учебное пособие “Психология общения”. В.А. Сластерин. Издат-во Academa. 2001.

Internet resources:

  1. www.Wikipedia.com

  2. www.allbest.ru “Деловое общение, его виды и формы”.


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