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Text 1 work of a foreign correspondent

Task 1

Choose the appropriate Russian equivalent for the following words/word-combinations from the text.

  1. a strong appeal

a) сильная привлекательность

  1. to cover the news

    1. освещать

  1. a cub-reporter

a) начинающий репортер

  1. a nose for news

a) нюх на новости

  1. a first-rate general reporter

b) первоклассный репортер, выполняющий общие задания

  1. a nodding acquaintance with grammar

b) поверхностное знакомство с грамматикой

  1. to write authoritatively

a) писать авторитетно

Task 2

Translate the words and word-combinations (if you need, consult the text above) and make up at least 3 independent sentences involving as many of these words and expressions as possible.

Освещать новости; депеша, корреспонденция; начинающий репортер; давать исчерпывающее разъяснение подоплеки событий; описывать событие как очевидец; воссоздать обстановку; содержательная статья; первоклассный репортер широкого профиля; иностранный корреспондент; чувство новости; остро развитое чувство значимости новости

To cover the news; dispatch, news dispatch; a cub-reporter; to give a complete background service; to provide eye-witness descriptions; to conjure up the atmosphere; an informative article; a first-rate general reporter; a foreign correspondent; a nose for news; a keenly developed sense of news values.

Task 3

Look through the text again and choose the best answers to the following questions.

  1. Why does the work of a foreign correspondent appeal to young men and women in journalism?

a) the work of the foreign correspondent is something much wider than the mere reporting of events.

  1. Why should a foreign correspondent know foreign languages?

c) because he has to cover the world’s news.

  1. What does to know a foreign language, in the sense a foreign correspondent must know it, mean?

c) it means to be able to write the language fluently, to be able to take down speeches in shorthand, to follow conversations through the distorting medium of the telephone and the like.

Text 2 what makes a good journalist?

Task 2

Look through the text and find English equivalents for the following Russian phrases.

Быть в классе среди неуспевающих, профессиональная подготовка журналиста, предпочитать короткие слова длинным, сделать поспешный вывод, основанный на недостаточной информации, стать хорошим журналистом, какие качества важнее, чтобы стать хорошим журналистом, уметь писать на простом, ясном, понятном английском языке, проводить большую часть дня, беседуя с людьми, лучшая подготовка для профессии журналиста.

To be at the bottom of the class; qualifications of a journalist; to prefer short words to long ones; to make a hasty ill-informed judgment; to make a good journalist; what qualities are important to make a good journalist; to be able to write fairly clearly in English; to spend most of the day talking with people; the best qualifications for a journalist.

Task 3

Match the meaning with the correct word.

  1. basic - fundamental

  2. famous - known widely; having fame; celebrated

  3. genuine- true; really what it is said to be

  4. successful- having success

  5. humble-having or showing a modest opinion of oneself, one’s position etc

  6. open-minded- having a mind open to new ideas

  7. ill-informed - based on poor information

  8. inquiring- in the habit of asking for information

  9. plain - simple; ordinary; without luxury

  10. brilliant- very bright; splendid’ causing admiration

  11. hasty - said, made or done too quickly

  12. clever- quick in learning and understanding things, skilful

  13. paramount - above all others; the most important

Task 6

Arrange the sentences from the text in the right order to make its summary.

  1. The best journalists write simple, plain, direct English, generally preferring short words to long ones.

  2. The best qualifications for a career in journalism will vary enormously, according to the individual.

  3. Even journalists will disagree on the order of importance of the qualities that go to make a good journalist.

  4. So if you are not interested in people, journalism is not for you

  5. Paramount in the makeup of a journalist is deep and genuine interest in people.

  6. Hand in hand with the interest in people should go the qualities of sympathy, open-mindedness; an enquiring mind and humility.

  7. The man who thinks he is a pretty clever chap and doe not mind the world knowing about it, will never male a good journalist.

Sentences :

1) 3; 2) 5; 3) 4; 5) 6; 6) 7; 7) 1; 8) 2

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