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При переводе из прямой речи в косвенную речь”

Прямая речь (The Direct Speech)

Косвенная речь (The Reported/Indirect Speech_

The Present Simple

The Past Simple

The Present Continuous

The Past Continuous

The Present Perfect

The Past Perfect

The Past Simple

The Past Perfect

The Past Continuous

The Past Perfect Continuous

The Past Perfect

не меняется

The Future Simple ( will+V1)

The Future-in-the Past (would+V1)

Таблица “Изменение наречий места и времени, указательных местоимений, модальных глаголов при переводе из прямой речи в косвенную речь”

Прямая речь

Косвенная речь




не меняется






that day


the day before, the previous day

last week (year, month, century)

the week (year, month, century) before, the previous week (year, month, century)

next week (year, month, century)

the next (the following) week (year, month, century)


the next (following) day


that night




не меняется




не меняется






had to (must)




не меняется

Grammar Exercises

Ex.1. Read the dialogue and practice it. Then change it into the Indirect Speech following all the rules. Make necessary changes:

Nutritionists say that breakfast is the most

Nutritionists say that breakfast is the most important mеаl of the day, but most people don't have а good breakfast. In this dialogue a market researcher is asking people about their breakfasts. Here is his dialogue with a student Sonja Smith studying biochemistry:

Researcher: Good morning. My name is Peter Brown. I am a nutritionist. I ask you to answer a number of questions, will you?

Sonja: Good morning, Peter. My name is Sonja Smith. Of course I will answer all your questions. Ask them, please.

Researcher: O.K. Thank you. My first question is: what do you usually have for breakfast?

Sonja: Oh, I have а boiled egg and some toast.

Researcher: What about this morning? What did you have?

Sonja: I didn't have breakfast this morning.

Researcher: Why not? What made you go to the office without having breakfast?

Sonja: I didn't have time. I was late for work.

Researcher: Didn't you have anything to drink?

Sonja: Yes, I had а cup of coffee. But that was all.

Researcher: Well, Sonya. Thanks a lot. I think that your answers will be of great help. Good-bye.

Sonja: Nice to see you. Good-bye.

Ex.2. Change the Direct Speech sentences into the Indirect Speech Sentences or Questions using the suggested sentence beginnings. Then translate the Indirect Speech sentences into Russian:

Model: a) An ion is an atom or a group of atoms with electric charge (Peter said …) → Peter said that an ion is a group of atoms with electric charge. b) Mary is a student of Moscow State University (He asked me …) → He asked me if Mary was student of Moscow State University.

Sentences for change:

1. Classical physics means all of the physics which developed before 1900 (He said that...).

2. Those young scientists are using very many substances in their final experiment (She asked him …).

3. At night the ground usually cools slowly (The lector said that …).

4. Any body at high temperature gives up heat to the surrounding air and heats it (A little boy asked his senior brother …).

5. One can define energy as the ability to do work (They learned that …).

6. Tomorrow Bob will bring the device which we must use in our experiments (Peter asked us …).

7. Professor of Physics J.J. Thompson was an outstanding physicist who worked at the Cavendish Laboratory in London (Only last week these first-tear students learned that …).

8. They showed the new device to the students only last week (I knew that …).

9. He was directing the rays to the hole (Everybody saw that …).

10. They have just estimated the mass of the substance (We understood that …).

11. It has been raining since early morning though it was a midday (Everybody knew that …).

12. They have been studying Physics for 2 years (Peter asked me …).

Ex.3. Read and translate the text “The Nucleus”. After that retell it using the rules of the Sequence of Tenses beginning all the sentences with the words such as “Yesterday/last week/last month we learned/read/found out that …”.

On the 6th of August 1945, the first atomic bombs destroyed the Japanese city Hiroshima. Since that time the peoples of the world have been eager for any news of anything concerning atoms. People have learned to think of the atom as a very small piece of matter that can break even into smaller pieces. People have become familiar with many sub-atomic particles, such as protons and neutrons, positrons, mesons and electrons.

Inside the atom these particles are rotating one about the other. People have regarded the atom as a very piece of “solid” matter and they thought that the atom is a tiny Solar system. In its center there is “the Sun”, which contains the bulk of the sub-atomic particles. Around the nucleus are rotating the electrons, like planets round the Sun.

Much of the importance of the atom lies in its nucleus. It is the nucleus that can release the new types of particles from time to time. It is the nucleus that provides us with atomic energy.

Ex.4. Translate into English paying special attention to the Rules of the Sequence of Tenses:

  1. Никто из них не знал, что радиационная энергия или энергия излучения солнца проходит огромное расстояние от Солнца до Земли за очень маленькое время.

  2. Он думал, что дождь идет уже очень долго, так как на улице было очень сыро.

  3. Учительница спросила школьников, в какой книге они прочитали об интересных фактах, связанных с различными видами энергии.

  4. Он сказала, что он много работала и что ему нужно идти домой.

  5. Отец спросил сына, нравится ли ему играть в волейбол.

  6. Школьник знал, что все планеты вращаются вокруг Солнца. А в Древние времена все думали, что, наоборот, Солнце вращается вокруг Земли.

  7. Лектор сказал, что И. Ньютон открыл этот важный для человечества закон в 18 веке.

  8. Студент не знал, что многие профессора этого института проводят различные исследования в различных областях физики, например, в биофизике и химической физике.

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