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  • discuss all the options

  • take an active part in the conversation and be polite

  • come up with ideas

  • give good reasons

  • find out your friend’s attitudes and yake them into account

  • Invite your friend to come up with suggestions

  • come to an agreement


Task 1 (2-2,5 minutes)

Give a short talk on “television”.

Remember to discuss the following:

  • the importance of television in our lives

  • the problems television experience nowadays, why

  • good and bad features of Russian television

  • what you want it to be like and why

You have to talk for 2-3 min. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then s/he will ask you some questions.

Task 2 (3-4 minutes)

You and your friend are going to spend an evening together. Discuss with him/her what you would like to do.

Here is the list of possible things to do:

  • go to the cinema

  • go to the rock concert

  • go to he theatre

  • go out for a meal

You begin the conversation and you both have to decide on one thing only. The teacher will play the part of your friend.

Remember to:

  • discuss all the options

  • take an active part in the conversation and be polite

  • come up with ideas

  • give good reasons

  • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account

  • Invite your friend to come up with suggestions

  • come to an agreement


Task 1 (2-2,5 minutes)

Give a short talk on “free time”.

Remember to discuss the following:

  • what hobbies are popular in different countries nowadays, why

  • what hobbies you have, why

  • how much time you spend on your hobby

  • what hobby you would choose if you have more free time

You have to talk for 2-3 min. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then s/he will ask you some questions.

Task 2 (3-4 minutes)

You and another member of your class have been told to do a project together about an English speaking country. Discuss with him/her what you would like to do for the project. You can focus on these aspects of the country you choose:

  • its history

  • its art, music and literature

  • its sports

  • its geography and climate

You begin the conversation and you both have to decide on one thing only. The teacher will play the part of your classmate.

Remember to:

  • discuss all the options

  • take an active part in the conversation and be polite

  • come up with ideas

  • give good reasons

  • find out your friend’s attitudes and take them into account

  • Invite your friend to come up with suggestions

  • come to an agreement


Task 1 (2-2,5 minutes)

Give a short talk on “school life”.

Remember to discuss the following:

  • why people usually say that school years are happy years

  • what school teaches pupils to be like and why

  • if you were happy at school, why

  • what you would like to change at our school, why

You have to talk for 2-3 min. The teacher will listen until you have finished. Then s/he will ask you some questions.

Task 2 (3-4 minutes)

You and your friend were given a task to write an article about a great invention of the twentieth century for your school science magazine . Discuss with him/her what invention you would write about.

Here is the list of possible inventions:

  • television

  • space flights

  • mobile phones

  • computer

You begin the conversation and you both have to decide on one invention only. The teacher will play the part of your friend.

Remember to: