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Literature: Main literature:

  1. Баймуратов М. О. Міжнародне право: Підручник для студ. вузів. – Суми: Університетська книга, 2006. – 422 с.

  2. Дахно I. I. Міжнародне економічне право: Курс лекцій. – 2-ге вид., стереотип. – К.: МАУП, 2003. – 160 с.

  3. Кузьмин Э. Л. Международное экономическое право: учебное пособие. – М.: Проспект, 2008. – 196 с.

  4. Международное экономическое право: Учебник: Пер. с фр. / Д.Карро, П.Жюйар. – М.: Международные отношения, 2006. – 608 с.

  5. Международное экономическое право: Учеб. - метод. пособие / В.М.Шумилов. – М: ДЕКА, 2006. – 400 с.

  6. Опришко В. Ф. Міжнародне економічне право: Підручник. – 2-ге вид., перероб. і доп. – К.: КНЕУ, 2003. – 311 с.

  7. Чубарєв В.Л. Міжнародне економічне право: підручник. – К. : Юрінком Інтер, 2009. – 368 с.

Additional resourses:

  1. http://resources.alibaba.com/topic/644649/Foreign_Economic_and_Trade_Activity_in_Ukraine.htm

  2. http://www.londoninternational.ac.uk/prospective_students/postgraduate/laws/study_guides/international_economic_law.pdf

  3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_economic_law

  4. http://www.asil.org/iel1.cfm

  5. http://media.routledgeweb.com/pdf/9780415543262/9780415543262.pdf

Seminar 4. The sources of international economic law Plan

  1. International legal custom, judicial precedents as sources of international economic law.

  2. The decisions of international economic organizations as sources of international economic law.

  3. International codes of conduct in the system of sources of international economic law.

  4. The international economic agreements - basic sources of international economic law.


- to make in written form the questions of the plan

- to give the meaning of the terms: : source of international economic law, international principles, international agreements, ratification, the convention, international custom, judicial precedent as a source of international economic law.

- to learn the translation:

source - джерело

international legal custom міжнародно-правовий звичай

judicial precedents – судовий прецедент

international codes of conduct – міжнародні кодекси поведінки

ratification - ратифікація

convention – конвенція

- to read and analyze the situation: One of the employee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, who prepared a draft agreement on trade cooperation between Ukraine and Greece, stressed that its foundation must be laid the Law of Ukraine "On Foreign Economic Activity" dated April 16, 1991, and claimed that it is the source of international economic law. What is your position?

- to read and make summary about:

1. Custom // http://www.Britannica.Com/eBchecked/topic/291011/international-law/233500/Custom

2. Code of conduct //http:// http://en.Wikipedia.Org/wiki/Code_of_conduct

to make presentations, abstracts on the topics:

  • General description of sources of international economic law.

  • The concept and system of sources of international economic law.

  • Classification of sources of international economic law.

  • Basic sources of international economic law.

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