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  1. Think of not less than 5 sentences of your own using the words and word-combinations from the previous exercise.

  1. Complete the sentences with a suitable preposition. You can choose from the following ones: up, with, of, at, by, in, out, for, via. Some of them can be used more than once.

  1. The engineers are especially proud ___ improving this construction material.

  2. The cost of maintaining these new low-energy houses will be reduced ___ roughly half.

  3. It will be possible to control the operation of all the technological units installed into this house ___ monitors or the telephone.

  4. The houses in this new residential area will be sold ____ affordable prices.

  5. The team of ecologically-inspired architects spent a strenuous day thinking ___ new ideas and concepts for their research project.

  6. This insulating material is made ___ wood chips mixed ___ whey.

  7. Wood chips are produced ___ the ton in sawmills.

  8. The houses are equipped ___ electronic systems letting the residents ___, but keeping the burglars ___.

  9. Hubert Fritz appeals ___ environmentally friendly construction.

  10. The new power plant is working ___ full capacity to satisfy the energy needs of the city.

  1. Read the following quotations and try to guess people from which spheres of life and of what professions they could belong to:

  1. "Right from the beginning, I considered light and sun to be essential elements in housing construction, initially as a source of brightness and well-being, then increasingly as an energy factor — until I moved over to solar architecture altogether."

  2. "Today the task of architecture is to give people living spaces that have a future in both ecological and economic terms."

  3. "People who live in surplus energy housing are not affected by oil crises and rising energy costs."

  4. "I was fascinated by the idea of being an energy producer in my own home."

  5. "Most of people still believe that the sun does not shine enough in Germany and that therefore it doesn’t make economic sense to use solar energy."

  6. “And perhaps one day I will be able to fulfill a special dream of mine: a fitness studio of the future in which people create their own energy, as they work out on exercise bikes and treadmills.”

  7. “But the architect does not just put his faith in modern technology. He also exploits the skills of solar architects that have been passed down through the centuries.”

  1. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Древесина – это натуральный экологически чистый возобновляемый материал с превосходными строительными характеристиками.

  2. Не все строительные фирмы единодушны в вопросе использования каких-либо одних строительных материалов.

  3. Экологическое строительство только тогда закрепит свои позиции, когда оно будет выгодно большинству покупателей.

  4. Энергетические потребности «пассивных домов» можно полностью удовлетворить, используя энергию солнца, ветра, воды и энергетического сырья.

  5. Более низкие расходы на отопление компенсируют более высокие затраты на строительство «пассивных домов».

  6. Гелиотроп, солнечный дом Рольфа Диша, производит в 5 раз больше электроэнергии, чем ему необходимо за счет установки солнечной панели на крыше и способности всегда поворачиваться к солнцу.


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