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  1. Апресян Ю. Д., Ботякова В. В., Латышева Т. Э. и др. Англо-русский синонимический словарь. М., 1998.

  2. Аракин В. Д. и др. Англо-русский словарь. М., 1997.

  3. Ахманова О. С. Словарь лингвистических терминов. М., 1966.

  4. Гальперин И. Р. Большой англо-русский словарь. М., 1972.

  5. Комиссаров В. И. Словарь антонимов современного английского языка. М., 1964.

  6. Кунин А. В. Англо-русский фразеологический сло­варь. М., 1998.

  7. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский словарь. М., 1998.

  8. Смирницкий А. И. Русско-английский словарь. М., 1998.

  9. Devlin J. A Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms. N. Y., 1961.

  10. Gandelsman A. English Synonyms. M., 1963.

  11. Hornby A. S., Gatenby E. V., Wakefield H. The Ad­vanced Learner's Dictionary of Current English. Ldn., 1967.

  12. Random House Dictionary of the English Language. Col­lege Edition. N. Y., 1968.

List of authors quoted

Aldington R. Death of a Hero. M., 1958. Aldridge J. One Last Glimpse. Penguin Books, 1977. Anderson Wood P. A Five-Colour Buick. Bantam Books, 1975.

Arundel H. Emma's Island. Pan Books, 1976.

Carroll L. Alice in Wonderland. M., 1979.

Christie A The Man in the Brown Suit. Triad/Panther

Books, 1978. Coleridge S. T. Poems. Ldn., 1936.

Copeland F., Copeland L. 10,000 Jokes, Toasts and Stories. N. Y., 1940.

Crofts F. W. Inspector French and the Cheyne Mystery. Pen­guin Books, 1960.

Dahl R. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Pussin Books, 1964.

Dahl R. Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. Pussin Books, 1973.

Dickens M. One Pair of Feet. Penguin Books, 1977. Dickens M. Thursday Afternoon. Penguin Books, 1977. Eckersley С. E. Essential English for Foreign Students.

Book I. Sofia, 1967. Fitzgerald F. S. Bernice Bobs her Hair and Other Stories.

Penguin Books, 1978. Fitzgerald F. S. The Great Gatsby. Kiev, 1973. Fowles J. The Ebony Tower. Eliduc. The Enigma. M., 1980. Fowles J. The French Lieutenant's Woman. Triad/Panther

Books, 1979. Galsworthy J. The Forsyte Saga. M., 1964. Hailey A, Airport. M., 1977.

Hailey A. The Moneychangers. Bantam Books, 1975. Hailey A, Wheels. Bantam Books, 1979. Hailey A., Castle J. Runway Zero-Eight. Bantam Books, 1960.

Holt V. The Shivering Sands. Fontana Books, 1965. Huxley A Brief Candles. Triad/Panther Books, 1977. Kaufman B. Up the Down Staircase. Avon Books, 1964. Keats J. Poetical Works. M., 1966. Lardner R. Stories. N. Y., 1936. Lawrence M. The Stone Angel. Toronto, 1968. London J. The Call of the Wild and White Fang. Prague, 1967.

Lowndes B. Some Men and Women. Tauchnitz, Vol. 4681. Making It All Right. Modern English Short Stories. M., 1978.

Malmstrom J,, Lee J. Teaching English Linguistically. N. Y., 1971.

Marckwardt A. H. Linguistics and the Teaching of English.

Bloomington — London, 1966. Marckwardt A. H., Quirk R. A Common Language. British

and American. Ldn., 1966. Mathews M. M. American Words. N. Y., 1959. Maugham W. S. Liza of Lambeth. Penguin Books, 1978.

Maugham W. S. The Kite. In: Stories by Modern English An -

thors. M., 1961. Maugham W. S. The Moon and Sixpence. M., 1969. Maugham W. S. Rain and Other Short Stories. M., 1977. Du Maurier D. Rebecca. Pan Books, 1975. Mikes G. How to Scrape Skies. Ldn., 1969. Mitchell M. Gone with the Wind. Pan Books, 1980. Murdoch I. The Sacred and Profane Love Machine. Penguin

Books, 1976.

Murdoch I. The Time of the Angels. Triad/Panther Books, 1978.

Murdoch I. Under the Net. Penguin Books, 1960. O'Henry. Little Speck in Garnered Fruit. In: The Voice of the

City. N. Y., 1908. Priestley J. B. Dangerous Corner. In: Seven Time Plays.

Ldn., 1936.

Priestley J. B. The Good Companions. Ldn., 1929. Rattigan T. Harlequinade. In: The Deep Blue Sea with three

other plays. Pan Books, 1955. Saroyan W. Selected Short Stories. M., 1975. Shakespeare W. Othello, the Moor of Venice. The Merchant

of Venice. M., 1938. Shakespeare W. Romeo and Juliet. Ldn., 1898. Shakespeare W. Sonnets. Ldn., 1935.

Shakespeare W. Twelfth Night. New Penguin Shakespeare, 1974.

Shaw G. B. Pygmalion. M., 1959.

Shaw I. God Was Here but he Left Early. Pan Books, 1978'. Thackeray W. M. Vanity Fair. Pocket Library, 1958. Walker L. Joyday for Jodi. Fontana Books, 1977. Waugh E. Mr. Loveday's Little Outing. In: Another Book for

Reading and Discussion. M., 1979. Webster J, Daddy-Long-Legs. M., 1968. Weekley E. The Romance of Words. Ldn., 1961. Wentworth P. Poison in the Pen. Pyramid Books, 1969. Wilde O. The Importance of Being Earnest. M., 1947. Wodehouse P. G. Carry on, Jeeves. Penguin Books, 1976. Wodehouse P. G. Piccadilly Jim. Penguin Books, 1976. Wodehouse P. G. Right-Ho, Jeeves. Penguin Books, 1978. Wodehouse P. G. Young Men in Spats. Tauchnitz, 1937.

Vol. 5271.

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1 Groups of synonyms here and further on in the text are given selectively.

2 A Gandelsman. English Synonyms Explained and Illus­trated. M., 1963; G. Crabb. English Synonyms. H. Y. Grosset and Dunlap, 1945; N. Webster. Webster's Synonyms, Anto­nyms and Homonyms. N. Y., 1962; Ю.Д.Апресян, В. В. Вотякова, Т. Э. Латышева и др. Англо-русский сино­нимический словарь. М., 1979.

3 The explanations are taken from A. Gandelsman's English Synonyms Explained and Illustrated. M., 1963.

4 Ю. Д. Апресян, В. В. Ботякова, Т. Э. Латышева и др. Англо-русский синонимический словарь. М., 1979.

5 naughty — wicked, evil (obs.)

6 The text is borrowed from Look, Laugh and Learn t° Speak by I. B. Vasilyeva, I. A. Kitenko, D. V. Menyajlo. Ь.» 1970.

7 O, beware, my lord, of jealousy; It is the green-eyed monster, which doth mock The meat it feeds on ...

(Iago's words from Act III, Sc. <*'

8 The origin of the phrase is in a passage in Othello where lago says:

...'tis not long after But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve For daws to peck at.

(Act I, Sc. 1)

9 The allusion is to a fable of Aesop.

10 It should be pointed out that most Russian scholars do not regard these as phraseological units; so this is a controversial point.

11 Bear in mind that some of the examples explained in the text do not represent phraseology, but simply words with trans­ferred meanings. So be careful in your choice.

12 bird dog — person who helps to sell cars.

13 VIP very important person.