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Text c: in today’s challenging market using a professional real estate broker is paramount for your protection

down market – рассчитанный на потребителя с низким доходом

poorly – недостаточно, плохо

to work part-time – работать неполный рабочий день

co-worker – товарищ по работе; коллега

due to – благодаря; вследствие

to flood – устремиться, хлынуть потоком, наводнить

to look for – искать

overall – общий,всеобщий

heat – разгар

belief – вера, убеждение

sentiment – мнение, отношение

to guide – направлять; руководить

loan broker – посредник в кредите

long-term ramifications – отдаленные последствия

purchase – покупка

tax rate – налоговая ставка, ставка налогового обложения

fair – честный; справедливый

to find oneself – оказаться

financial straights –финансовые затруднения

discriminate – способный различать; разборчивый

proven – доказавший свою пригодность, испытанный

to meet the needs – отвечать потребностям (требованиям)

smart – разумный

committed (passive) – считать своим долгом или обязанность

quarterback – руководитель

team – взаимодействие, сотрудничество

comfortable – спокойный

to communicate one’s thoughts – передавать мысли; высказываться

satisfied – удовлетворенный, довольный

loyal – верный, преданный

thereby – таким образом; тем самым

short sale – продажа без покрытия на срок (при отсутствии ценных бумаг у продавца в момент продажи)

foreclosure – потеря права выкупа заложенного имущества; лишение должника права выкупа заложенного имущества; лишение права пользования

up front – честно, откровенно

realistic – реальный

out of line – несоответствующий (н-р, установившейся практике)

concern – беспокойство, забота

ultimately – в конечном итоге

craft – профессия, занятие, дело

Times have changed and as always when this happens there is a flight to quality. In this case, it is a flight to not only the best agents but to the top brokers who offer more experience, education, and ability to be successful in a down market. This happens in every industry at some point and real estate is no different. Sellers especially have higher expectations of the professionals they hire to sell their homes.

Over the last 7 years when the real estate market was rising steadily to its peak, people often chose their representation рооrlу: their friend who worked real estate part-time, a co-worker, or a new agent who also happened to be а family member. This was understandable due to the large number of agents that flooded the market looking for easy money, the overall heat of the market, and the belief that any real estate agent was the equivalent of a professional and experienced broker.

Although this sentiment was understandable it was also wrong and now represents one major problem among many in the market today. These part-time and inexperienced agents did not know how to guide and protect their clients from aggressive loan brokers, many of whom were also part-time or new to the industry. They also didn’t know how to explain the long-term ramifications of a buyer’s purchase in areas such as high tax rates, true comparables, working with home builders, and loan choices. And, to be completely fair, many clients simply didn’t want to listen.

Now, as more and more people find themselves in financial straights, clients are starting to listen and be much more discriminate in their selection of a real estate professional. As many of the newer agents are leaving the industry and loan companies are shutting down, the needs of buyers and sellers have grown significantly. It is time for the true and proven industry professionals to start meeting these increased needs. It is also time for clients to start making the smart long-term choices and avoid the seemingly easy ones that cost much more in the end.

There are different levels of competence in every profession. The true professionals in real estate are full-time, committed to learning, and put their clients first. A real estate broker should act as the quarterback of your team, guiding the entire process from start to finish. He should feel comfortable communicating his thoughts about the choices you are making whether or not it is what you want to hear at the moment. A professional broker will put your long-term interests first. In doing so he hopes to create a satisfied, loyal customer thereby protecting his own long-term interests as well.

Your broker should also be experienced with short sales, foreclosures, marketing in a difficult market, and have connections to professionals in real estate law and bank processes. Be sure to interview brokers about their experience with your particular situation. And make sure to share your expectations with them up front and simply ask them if they believe your expectations are realistic.

Client expectations that are out of line with the market are a major cause of broker concern. Real estate professionals are investing their time and money to sell a property. It is taking much more of both in the current market than it has at any other time over the last decade. It is unrealistic for you to expect brokers to invest hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars trying to sell your home if you are pricing it too high, not having it ready to show, or ignoring their professional observations.

The most important thing to remember is that real estate is one of the biggest and best investments you can ever make. It gives you a place to call home and a community where your family will participate and make friends. But it is also an investment and ultimately the decisions you make will mean the diffeгеnсе between your long-term financial success and failure. Get the best professional you саn, the оnе whom you trust, respect, feel comfortable with, and who is also a master in his craft.

Ex.1 Give Russian equivalents:

today’ challenging market; to offer ability to be successful in a down market; to have higher expectations of smb; due to the large number of agents; to represent a major problem among many others; inexperienced agents; the needs of buyers and sellers have grown significantly; loan companies are shutting down; to make the smart long-term choices; a level of competence; the quarterback of the team; the current market; to be a master in one’s craft.

Ex.2 Give English equivalents:

рост, подъем качества (обслуживания, услуг); в определенный момент; недвижимость – не исключение; неуклонно двигаться к достижению полного расцвета; лица, представляющие интересы клиентов; защищать клиентов от; честно говоря; клиенты становятся более разборчивыми в выборе агентов; делать разумный выбор профессионалов для длительного сотрудничества; избегать кажущегося на первый взгляд выгодного выбора агента по недвижимости; уровень мастерства; на первое место ставить интересы своих клиентов; управлять (контролировать) всем процессом от начала до конца; быть опытным; закон о недвижимости; честно и откровенно поделиться с агентом своими надеждами (ожиданиями); за последнее десятилетие; знаток своего дела, специалист.

Ex.3 Answer the following questions:

1. What do professional real estate brokers offer in today’s challenging market?

2. Why did people often choose their representation poorly over the last 7 years?

3. How do part-time and experienced agents differ from professionals?

4. Why have needs of buyers and sellers grown considerably? Whose time is it to meet these needs?

5. How should professional real estate brokers act with their clients? What should clients in their turn try to learn about their broker to share their expectations with them?

6. Why is real estate one of the biggest and best investment you can ever make? Do you agree with it? Prove it.

Traditional, Indigenous Housing Methods

Each student reports back to the rest of the class. The report includes the following:

• the location of the selected house

• what materials are being used – consider how these materials are utilised in the construction of the shelter particularly in terms of the available materials

• how the house is placed in the landscape

• where are the areas for sleeping, preparing food, cooking, relaxing and privacy

• where are things stored

• how many people would occupy this house

• how is comfort in terms of heating and/or cooling achieved by using natural energy

Episode 4

On the patio of the Stewart’s home. Richard and Marilyn are speaking about their experience at the bank.

Richard: It all sounded so easy until they mentioned needing collateral or a guarantor.

Marilyn: We have no collateral.

Richard: And I don't think it's a good idea to ask Dad to sign as a guarantor. I don't feel right about it.

Marilyn: I understand your feelings about it, Richard.

Ellen comes out to the patio.

Ellen: Now, tell me, what's the problem?

Marilyn: We can get a loan from the bank if we can put up some collateral.

Richard: And we don't own anything to use as collateral.

Marilyn: Or someone can sign with us as a guarantor.

Ellen: Why don't you speak to Dad?

Richard: No. If we buy a house, I want to be able to handle it alone.

Ellen: Everybody needs help sometimes, Richard.

Marilyn: I understand Richard's feelings about it, Ellen.

Richard: In two or three months, I'll have an advance on my book and be able to put more money down.

Marilyn: What about the house in Mount Kisco? Somebody else'll buy it by then.

Richard: Then there'll be other houses, Marilyn.

Ellen: Richard has a point. You're just beginning to look.

Marilyn: We're in no great rush. It's true.

Richard: This has been a great learning experience for us, Marilyn. Talking to the

real-estate agent. Looking at the houses. Talking to the loan officer at the bank.

Marilyn: It has been a learning experience. That's true.

Ellen: I think you're doing the right thing. Taking your time. Looking around. Especially with a purchase of this kind. You're talking about a lot of money.

Marilyn: We'll call Mrs. Martinelli and tell her to keep looking for us.

Richard: And I'll call Mr. Riley at the bank and tell him we'll see him in a couple of months.

Ellen: And if you ever need Dad or me to help you...

Marilyn: We know.

Ellen: You know we'll be there for you.

Richard: It's a Stewart tradition. We're a family.

  1. Scramble words

Use the clue to arrange the letters to form a word

  1. Can you _ _ _ _ me five dollars until tomorrow? (DELN)

  2. Can I _ _ _ _ _ _ five dollars until tomorrow? (WOROBR)

  3. To buy a house you need _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ from the bank (TAMROGEG)

  4. This job pays her a good _ _ _ _ _ _ (LAYSAR)

  5. He owns a lot of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (TORRYPEP)

Now arrange the letters to form two new words. Use the clue.

Mrs. Martinelli thinks a lot about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.


Unit I: HOME……………………………………………………………………1

Text A: THE AMERICAN HOME……………………………………………..3


Text C: GIVE HIM AN INCH…………………………………………………...8

Episode 1………………………………………………………………………….10

Unit II: PLANNING………………………….....................................................12


Text B: DEMOGRAPHICS……………………………………………………..17

Text C: MODERN MORTGAGE FINANCE………………………………….19

Episode 2………………………………………………………………………….21

Unit III: BUYING A HOME ………………………………………...…………23

Text A: BUYING REAL ESTATE ABROAD…………………………………24


Text C: OFFICE SPACE RACE……………………………………………….31

Episode 3…………………………………………………………………………35

Unit IV: APPRAISING THE PROPERTY……………………………………37

Text A: HOW TO VALUE A HOUSE...……………………………………….37

Text B: USA REAL ESTATE AGENTS……………………………………….42


Episode 4…………………………………………………………………………48

Составители: А.И.Жиляков, Е.В.Ракова, Л.В.Федотова


REAL ESTATE: методические указания по английскому языку для студентов ИЭФ направления «Экономика» (080100.62) II курса 3,4 семестров очного отделения и ФТГС направления «Строительство» (270800.62) II курса 3,4, семестров, очной формы обучения.

Данные методические указания содержат широкий диапазон речевых клише, текстов, упражнений и диалогов. Их целью является обучение студентов основам профессионального общения. Пособие состоит из четырех разделов, каждый из которых включает в себя основные тексты с упражнениями на закрепление лексики, вопросы для обсуждения, диалоги, дополнительные упражнения и тексты для чтения, содержащие разнообразную информацию по соответствующим специализированным темам. В основе построения указаний лежат принципы интенсивного обучения профессиональной лексике студентов в группах.

Министерство образования и науки РФ

Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение

высшего профессионального образования

«Самарский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет»

Кафедра лингвистики, межъязыковой коммуникации

и социально-культурного сервиса

Real Estate

Методические указания по английскому языку для студентов инженерно-экономического факультета и факультета транспортного и гражданского строительства

Самара 2012

Рецензия на методические указания "Real Estate" (составители Е.В. Ракова, Л.В. Федотова, А.И. Жиляков)

Данные методические указания по английскому языку предназначены для студентов II курса ИЭФ направления «Экономика» (080100.62) и ФТГС направления «Строительство» (270800.62) и содержат оригинальные тексты для отработки навыков устной и письменной речи по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)», а также развернутую систему тренировочных упражнений как репродуктивного, так и продуктивного характера. Предлагаемая структура разделов позволяет использовать данные методические указания для аудиторной и индивидуальной работы студентов.

Одним из преимуществ данных методических указаний представляет система дополнительных упражнений на говорение, чтение и развитие навыков письменной речи, также наличие не только информативных текстов, но и аутентичных диалогов.

Методические указания "Real Estate" могут быть предназначены для проведения практических занятий по английскому языку для студентов II курса в III-м и IV-v семестре, а также использоваться на занятиях с аспирантами и магистрами данных специальностей.


к.п.н.,доцент кафедры ЛМК и СКС, Евстропова Нина Сергеевна