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Английский дифзачет 3 семестр.docx
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  1. What happened to Ichabod Crane after the party at Van Tassel’s?

After the party Ichabod stayed behind. He wanted to have a little talk face to face with Katrina. Nodody knows what happened then, but in a few minutes he ran out of the house, jumped on his horse and rode off.

He rode home sad and heavy-hearted. He felt very lonely. Moreover, all the stories about ghosts and witches he heard during the dinner were fresh in his memory. Suddenly he felt a terrible groan and his heart fell. He kicked his old horse and it moved forward very fast, but suddenly it stopped. He saw something big and black in front of him. He was scared to the death and ina slow shaky voice he could only ask *who are you*? But receiving no answer, he repeated his question. There was no answer again. And only when the black figure moved forward he noticed, that there was a tall man sitting on a horse, but the man was headless! His fears grew bigger and he saw that the man was holding his head in his hands! Horror-stricken teacher kickded his horse, but it was too late: the man rose in his saddle and threw his head straigt to Icghabod. Big head struck him and he fell to the ground. Gunpowder, horse and its rider passed by.

On the next morning Gunpowder was found in its master’s garden eating grass, some time before a big pumpkin was found on the road with Ichabod’s hat nearby. He didn’t appear anymore.

  1. What proposal did the consul make to the Kid?

Kid just came to Buenas Tierras from Texas. He had to go to the city consul-Mr. Thacker after his arrival. Kid knew Spanish and didn’t look older than 21, according to this, consul did a proposal to him. He told him the story about the family of Uricks-very rich people who owned half the gold mines in the country. He narrated, that they had lost their only child 12 years before. They never heard anything about him any more, but they loved him so much, that they waited for him every day and the mother was still wearing mourning. The child was her life. He added, that he had an eagle tattooed on the back oh his left hand. After the story he made a proposal to him: Kid had to have a tattoo made on his hand, after it would heel he would come to Urick’s house and they would fall on his neck. After this he needed to steal their money from a little safe. Then he and Thacked should catch a ship to Rio de Janeiro and leave. That was the proposal.

  1. Why did the Kid finally refuse to go through with the consul’s plan?

Kid had several reasons for his refusal: first of all, as he said, he felt sympathy for Mrs. Urique, he said that she came to his bed at night and cried. That once she stood losing her son and that she wouldn’t stay stat one more time. He didn’t want to disappoint her. The second reason was that he had very little to do with mothers in his life and he wanted to have a mother, though she was his artificial mother and he had to lie to her. The third reason, in my opinion, was the money he would be able to get from his artificial parents during all his life. If he had fallen in with Thacker’s plan he would have stolen the money and given him the half of them. He didn’t like that prospect, so he decided to stay with them forever. And the last reason, and the main, was that he was the very man who killed their son. So the son would never come back and he could live with them as long as he wanted to.


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