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Английский дифзачет 3 семестр.docx
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Английский, зачёт, зима 2012



  1. What were Erik Gorin’s feelings while he spoke to Professor Fox?

E. G. was very scared and excited at the same moment. He was eager to get a job of an assistant at Columbia University, he wanted to be a teacher. As Mr. Fox was a very famous physicist, who won the nobel prize,Erik was scared to death to speak to him:on the one hand, he had a conversation with a great person, on the other,he just wanted to get a job and show himself as an efficient teacher.his nervousness was very noticeable: he spoke in a slow steady voice, and he sat up straight as though prepared for any onslaught, he had to clear his throat before answering.

When Mr f.x’s tone warmed and the usual speech was made up, gorin didn’t feel ill at ease no more, he wanted to tell him everything, cause fox seemed to be very sincere and gentle.

(by the end of their conversation, gorin bagan to feel more self confident)

2.How do you think Mr. Fox would describe eg to his wife? What impressed him most about the young man?

I think, F will describe EG as a young man about 21, a little above middle height, slender and wearing not very good clothes.

He would describe him as a very ambitious young man, with with the bright watchful face, who adores his job, who would do anything to reach his aim, although he could have some difficulties. He would describe him as a real physicist, who lacks some experience in teaching and physics and some self-confidence. He would add, that he’s a very sincere and open-hearted man, who has mercy and patience, so he would be a wonderful teacher for freshmen, who could always offer his help.

To my mind,the fact, that eg told him about his not a very good summer in detail impressed fox the most, because he didn’t expect to listen to such a long story from the person, whom he saw the first tme in his life and to whom he was a future boss, although he liked his story

3.Why was Charlie Chaplin so happy to get a small part in a new play?

There were several resons for it: first-his only dream was to become an actor and he never lost sight of his ultimate aim to become an actor. He had a plenty of jobs: he was a newsboy, printer, toymaker, doctor’s boy, but he only wanted to become an actor. He often made calls at blackmore’s theatrical agency with the hope of having a part in some play. It was his desire.

So, the second reason was the poverty, his family used to live in. The circumstances of their family were appalling and he needed to earn money.

4.When did Charlie Chaplin receive favourable notices for the first time?

CC revieved his first favorable notices after he took part ina a ew play calles Jim, the romance of a cockney, although the play wasn’t a success, and the reviewers criticized it unmercifully. The paper London topical times called Charlie bright and vigorous child actor. Moreover, they reviewer liked the child so much, that he added that he hoped to hear great things of the boy in the near future.

5.Why do you think Charlie was employed by the theatrical agency? Had he any experience in acting?

There are several reasons:first, the employers saw, how eager he was to become an actor,the saw, hat he was a very ambitious child,who would try to do his best to live up to thir expectatoons. Second reason was his appearance, he was very little and looked so nice that mr. Hamilton and mr. Sainsbury showed him to other members and they smiled beamingly at him. And the third reason was his great talent in acting, that he showed during the rehearsals, he played so professionally, that everybody asked him if he had experience in playing before. It was a great satisfaction to Charlie to please mr Sainsbury and other troupe.


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