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State Establishment of Higher Education

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University

Institute: Physics and Technology

Specialization: Automation and Electronics...........................................................

Report Seversk NPP. Prospects of development of Tomsk region

Student: Tikhonov D.M.

group 0792

Language Advisor: Novikova N.G.



The purpose of the paper is to provide information about.....to describe.....to point out.....to emphasize..... The characteristic of.... has been given. The attitude of citizens to ...was shown.

и т.д. по контексту.....отсюда и вывод



Tomsk Region

The Tomsk region is a very promising region of Russia. Tomsk Region is rich in natural resources for electricity, such as oil (82 fields, 1449 million tons), natural gas (632 billion m³), ferrous and nonferrous metals, brown coal - 74.7 million tons (first place on reserves in Russia), peat (the second largest reserves in Russia) and groundwater. Total reserves of groundwater are estimated at 14.2 billion cubic meters.

According to data of Ministry of Economy and Development of Russia Tomsk region in 2004 was a region where the level of development was higher than average (18th in Russia). The main priorities of economic development - fuel and energy complex, research and educational complex and small business. One of the most important and fastest growing industries is higher education. There are six state universities in Tomsk, including Tomsk State University - the first university, founded in the Asian part of Russia (1878). Tomsk holds one of the first places in the country by the number of students per capita. Also, there is one university in Seversk, a satellite town of Tomsk.

Seversk is the largest town of the closed system of Rosatom. The population of Seversk is 107 073 citizens. There was Siberian NPP in Seversk, it was closed in 2008. Its main purpose was the production of weapons-grade plutonium for the Siberian Chemical Combine, heat and electricity that were produced were only useful byproducts. In the 2000s reactors gave 30-35% of the heat required for heating residential district of Tomsk, more than 50% of heat for Seversk and industrial sites of Seversk Chemical Combine, the remaining energy needs were satisfied by the Seversk NPP. Reactor shutdown was due to the execution of an agreement, dated March 12, 2003, between the Russian Ministry of Atomic Energy and the U.S. Department of Energy about cessation of production of plutonium in existing reactors in Seversk (Tomsk region) and Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk region). Siberian Chemical Combine is a single set of nuclear technology cycle to create nuclear weapon components based on fissile material (such as highly enriched uranium and plutonium). The composition of SCC includes Seversk TPP, which provides electricity for Tomsk, Seversk and the surrounding area. [1]

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