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Пятый элемент, сценарий.doc
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Пятый элемент/ The Fifth Element



Somewhere in the Nile at the edge of the desert.



OMAR and his mule zigzag along the bottom of sun scorched dunes.


The mule and the boy finally reach a camp. A few tents dwarfed by a huge temple door jutting out of the sand. The camp is deserted except for some kids by the temple entrance holding large mirrors, reflecting light into the temple. Omar leaves his mule in the shade, seizes two goatskins and slips inside the temple.


Omar makes his way uneasily down a pillared corridor that opens into a vast room where an old scientist stands on a small wooden ladder in front of the wall across the room. PROFESSOR MASSIMO PACOLI. A young man is beside him, BILLY MASTERSON, age 25, an American student. He has a large sketchpad in his hands. Behind them AZIZ, age 10, whose job is to hold the last mirror which shines light into the expansive room.

PROFESSOR (deciphering) "..when the three planets are in eclipse.."

His fingers trace across the wall which is covered with symbols and strange hieroglyphs as he deciphers.

PROFESSOR "..the black hole like a door is open... Evil comes ... sowing terror and chaos..." See? The snake, Billy. The Ultimate Evil ... make sure you get the snake!

The Professor points emphatically to the snake, the symbol of Evil, coming through the door between the three planets in eclipse. C.U. Billy's hand sketches the snake quickly. He is a natural artist.

BILLY And when is this door opening snake act supposed to occur?

The Professor's fingers touch the signs.

PROFESSOR ..if this is the five..and this the thousand..

He calculates.

PROFESSOR Every five thousand years..

BILLY (kidding) So I have some time..

He reaches for the pad.

ANGLE ON: Omar. Standing at the entrance to the chamber with the water bag, entranced by the sight. A skeletal hand falls on his shoulder. Omar turns to an ancient PRIEST in a rough milled black cannock.

PRIEST I will take it to them my son.

Startled but obedient, Omar gives the water bag to the Priest.

PRIEST Go with God.. be safe from Evil..

The Priest makes the sign of the Cross on the boy's forehead, dismissing him. As soon as he is gone, the Priest turns a worried eye to the Professor.

ANGLE ON: The Professor is back to translating, Billy to sketching.

PROFESSOR "..then arrange the elements of life against the Terror just so.."

His fingers run on.

PROFESSOR "..Water..fire..earth..air..four elements around the fifth.."

His fingers fall on the one element that has a human shape, surrounded by all the others.

The Priest opens the water skin and begins to pour a vial of powder into the skin.

ANGLE ON: Aziz falling asleep. The mirror falls, the light fails.

PROFESSOR Aziz! Light!

The boy struggles to stay awake. The mirror comes up.

PRIEST Lord forgive me.. they already know too, much..

PROFESSOR "..in which all the history of the Universe resides ..all the strength..all the hope..Protect us from Evil.."

PRIEST (V.O.) Amen..

The Professor turns to the Priest who is pouring water into a tin cup from the skin.

PROFESSOR Father.. it in the most extraordinary thing.. the greatest find in history..can you imagine the implications.

PRIEST Only too well... here you must be parched..

He hands the cup to the Professor. The Professor takes it, has it almost to his lips when..

PROFESSOR I mean look.. it is like a battle plan..