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Текст 9. Space mission looking for Earth-like planets At home

1. Find information about the latest international missions into outer space in the www.

2. Vocabulary exercise:

3. Match these words:

  1. multinational

  2. measure

  3. to detect

  4. ground-based

  5. to carry

    1. minute changes

    2. space mission

    3. life

    4. planets

    5. telescopes

Fill in the gaps with the help of expressions above:

  1. Why is it difficult ________________________________orbiting other suns?

  2. The Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn is _______________________________________

between three space agencies and 17 nations, with a total cost of over $3 billion.

  1. Many planetary scientists now believe that meteorites can __________________primitive _____________ from one planet to another.

  2. Temperature control of a plethysmograph is used ______________________________

_________________in tissue volume.

  1. 14 Jan 2009 for the first time, astronomers have measured light emitted from extrasolar planets around sun-like stars using_____________________________.

In Class

1. Listen to the Webcast Space mission looking for Earth-like planets and do the exercises below.

1.1. Match positions with the names



  1. Anne Barker

  1. project's Assistant Director

  1. Philippe Goudy

  1. COROT's project scientist

  1. Malcolm Fridlund

  1. reporter

1.2. Group these names into these two columns:

C- Comprehension Test 1

Listen to the Webcast Space mission looking for Earth-like planets again and tick the correct answer.

1.The people involved into project

represent are

A all French

B from multinational companies

C from Europe and Brazil

2. The mission will be looking for

A for characteristic blue light

B for other spaceships

C for a certain kind of twinkle

3. The French Space Agency

cooperates with

A The European Space Agency

B The Brazil Space Agency

C with European Airlines

4.The rocket blasted off from

A Pakistan’s cosmodrome

B Baikonur cosmodrome

C Tatarstan cosmodrome

5.The rocket will spend

A 0, 5 year on orbit

B 2, 5 years in orbit

C 25 years in orbit

  1. A special device will measure


A in the brightness of stars

B in the brightness of the sun

C in the rightness of the Earth

  1. The project's Assistant Director

says that the mission

A will be watching an eclipse

B is to see a planet

C is to fix changes of light of the star

  1. They are looking for planets


A support life

B may carry life

C six times the diameter of the Earth

  1. The planet requires

A to be large

B to be gaseous like Jupiter

C to be not too far from its star

10. The project scientist believes that the mission

A is a new phase of international cooperation in space

B opens a new stage of astronomical research

C will be futile

B- Comprehension Test 2/ Fill in the gaps