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Text d murmansk port

3. a) Read the text and find in it and put down 6-8 words or word combinations which can be used to speak about the history of Murmansk port.

Murmansk port surveys in the Kola bay have begun during the First World War as far as Russia urgently required the new sea outlets. The first temporary quay at Semenovskaya korga was built in 1915, and the first steamship with cargoes for construction of Murmansk railway from America has moored to it at the same year. Laying of a temple foundation and an official opening of Romanov-on- Murman city took place later, on the 4-th of October, (21st of September) 1916. The deep-water berthage for 5 steamships was constructed in Murmansk as early as by April 1917. Port operation did not stop for one day since then. The dockers processed more than 350 ships (1,6 million tons of cargoes) even during the Second World War.

Nearly 15 fleets- merchant, fishing, icebreaking and research are based in Murmansk today. The berthage of commercial port makes more than 4 kilometers. More than hundred portal cranes are carrying out loading and unloading. The Marine Passenger Terminal complex was designed in 1952 and commissioned in 1954. Lots of ship of Arctic and Antarctic expeditions, yachts and oar boats of adventurers, the warships (on a friendly visit) from America, Norway, England and France were moored here. The expedition of Papanin, icebreaker “Lenin”– first that started piloting transport vessels by Northern Seaway, icebreaker “ Arctic”– first that reached North Pole in 1977 and bark “Sedov” – largest of functioning sailing vessels of the world were greeted by Murmansk dwellers at the Marine Passenger Terminal.

From here, the tourist motorvessel “Klavdija Elanskaja” is taking voyages along the coast of Murman.


1. Surveys - изыскания

2. Urgently - срочно

3. Temporary quay - временная пристань

4. Steamship - пароход

5. Moor - швартоваться

6. Temple foundation - закладка храма

7. The deep-water berthage - глубоководная причальная линия

8. Process - обрабатывать

9. Berthage - причальная линия

10. The marine passenger terminal complex - комплекс пассажирского морского вокзала

11. Oar boats of advantures - весельные лодки искателей приключений

12. Piloting transport vessels - проводка транспортных судов

13. Functioning sailing vessels - действующих парусников

14.Dwellers - обитатели

Text e air pollution and smog are the problems


  1. A). One of the greatest problems of all modern cities is the environment pollution. Read the texts and tell which of the problems mentioned in the text are typical for the city you live in.

b). Find in the text and put down key words to speak about air, water and soil pollution:

dust clouds, dense layers of smog, three types of habitats, harmful materials…

The word smog comes from smoke and fog. Smog is a sort of fog with other substances mixed in. Smog has been here a long time. Billions of years ago, volcanoes sent millions of tons of ash and smoke onto the air. Winds whipped up dust clouds. Animal and vegetable matter decayed, adding polluting gases.

When people came along, they began to produce their own kind of air pollution. They discovered fire. The smoke from these fires, combined with moisture in the air, produced dense layers of smog. The smog would blanket the city for days, particularly in winter. The heat generated in large cities tends to circulate air within a dome-like shape. This traps the smog and holds it over the city.

Smog, and the chemicals and other substances in it, can be harmful, even deadly. Smog blurs vision. It irritates the eyes, the throat, and the lungs. Eyes water, throats get sore, people cough. Smog can make people ill. And it can make sick people sicker. Air pollution has been linked to eczema, asthma, emphysema, cardiovascular difficulties, and lung and stomach cancer. It also has a harmful effect on the environment.

Smog, along with smoke, is the most visible evidence of atmospheric pollution. But some atmospheric pollution is not visible and may not become visible until it is mixed with moisture. Lead compounds from leaded gasoline, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and other gases may pollute the air without being seen. All air is polluted to some extent. That is, all air carries some polluting substances. Much of it is natural: smoke, dust stirred up by the wind, compounds given off by growing vegetation, gases given off by rotting animal and vegetable matter, salt particles from the oceans, and so on.

Man adds to these pollutants by burning coal, oil, gas, gasoline, and many other things.


  1. substance – вещество

  2. to decay – гнить

  3. pollution - загрязнение

  4. a dome-like shape – в форме купола

  5. to blur – делать неясным

  6. eczema - экзема

  7. asthma - астма

  8. emphysema - эмфизема

  9. cardiovascular - сердечно-сосудистый

  10. cancer – рак

  11. to stir up – поднимать, размешивать

As a result of human activity on the Kola Peninsula, large territories of the area are occupied now by man. Dying of forests, water pollution, puffing out of harmful materials into the air, expansion of the diseases – this is the reality of the region.


There are three types of habitats on the Earth: land, air and water. The territory occupied by plants and factories makes about 5% of all territory of the Kola Peninsula. There are about 200 acting plants in the region and they throw approximately 700.000 tons of harmful materials into the atmosphere. The main polluters are two giants of metallurgy of non-ferrous metals “Severonikel” and smoke, destruction of nature. Building of long smokestacks, nearly 400 meters high, caused sharp increasing acidity of rains. High smokestacks bring short-life upturn of air around the factory, but then these harmful materials cover large territories. Also the lion’s share in air pollution belongs to vehicles as it’s known that cars are the world’s biggest air polluters.


Problem of soil pollution is very live in the Murmansk region. The question about necessity of developing here such thing as farming doesn’t have single-valued answer. Some scientists say it will be easier to buy fruit and vegetables in southern parts of the country, others say that land is good enough for growing plants and crops. But while scientists debate on the use of farming on our region, people already cultivate here everything they need. The global territory of good-for-farming soil is about 20.000 hectares. And the most part of it in areas under the influence of plants of non-ferrous metallurgy. Oil and petrochemicals are declared to be the most harmful for soil. Oil dumping into the ground contaminates soil and changes its physical properties. Land becomes non- fertile.


There are 6 main sources of influence on water resources:

  1. Sewage of blazed-processing and metallurgical production, e.g. “Severonikel” throws 25 million cubic metres of wastes in lakes every year.

  2. Discharges in the air that later settle in water.

  3. Warm water thrown by Kola atomic power station. It brings rise of the temperature in lakes and affects aquatic organisms.

  4. Sewage from cities and villages.

  5. Hydroelectric plants. There are 6 hydroelectric plants and their work finally leads to raising toxicity of the rivers.

  6. Commercial fishing. We trawl too much fish.



2.habitat – сфера обитания

3.destruction – разрушение

4.the lion’s shareльвиная доля

5.to contaminate - загрязнять

6.properties свойства

7.sewage сточные воды

8.discharges – выбросы


Welcome, dear guests!

Welcome, to thse who arrived by train, bus or car1

Welcome, to those who arrived by ship!

Welcome, to those who arrived by plane!

In short, welcome to our region! Let the time spent here be for you very pleasant memory.


You are a stranger in Murmansk and want to go sightseeing. You may walk or take a bus or a taxi. You may find yourself in different situations.