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An avulsion is a nasty …in the tissue. It is where a section of the … has either been completely or mostly torn off the body. In the case of a partial avulsion, the tissue … for vascular supply. If it is… , it will be cleaned and reattached. If it is not, it will be … and a graft or other closing option explored. In the case of a total avulsion, the part has been ripped completely off and will need to be examined carefully for its… . If it is possible, it will be re-grafted onto the body; if not, it will not be salvaged. An example of this is an amputated … . In some cases, it can be reattached, in some cases, this is not a … .

Viability; is examined; possibility; cut off; tear; finger; viable; tissue.

Exercise 8. Read and translate the text paying attention to Complex Subject Constructions. Put questions to the underlined words.

Medieval treatment of wound with lance gritting.

From the Classical Period to the Medieval Period, the body and the soul were believed to be intimately connected, based on several theories put forth by the philosopher Plato. Wounds on the body were believed to correlate with wounds to the soul and vice versa; wounds were seen as an outward sign of an inward illness. Thus, a man who was wounded physically in a serious way was said to be hindered not only physically but spiritually as well. If the soul was wounded, that wound may also eventually become physically manifest, revealing the true state of the soul. Wounds were also seen as writing on the "tablet" of the body. Wounds acquired in war, for example, told the story of a soldier in a form which all could see and understand, and the wounds of a martyr told the story of their faith.

*a martyr ['ma:t ə ] мученик 

Exercise 9. Complete the text with the prepositions from the box below. Open the brackets and use verbs in the correct tense and voice. Translate the text into Ukrainian.

First Case of Type E Wound Botulism (severe poisoning from ingestion of botulin, which affects the central nervous system producing difficulty in swallowing, visual disturbances, and respiratory paralysis: often fatal) Diagnosed Using Real-Time PCR-based method for the diagnosis of wound botulism caused by Clostridium botulinum.

  1. The patient was a 24-year-old homeless woman who (to inject) heroin and amphetamine … over 2 years. Previously, she (to treat) for recurrent skin and soft-tissue abscesses following intramuscular and subcutaneous injections. Ten days before hospital admission, an abdominal wall abscess (to incise) … a general practitioner, and antibiotic therapy with flucloxacillin had been prescribed. The culture of wound secretions yielded growth of Staphylococcus aureus, beta-hemolytic group G streptococci, and unspecified anaerobic bacteria.

  2. Eight days later, the patient (to start) to experience dysphagia and throat pain and sought medical care …. an emergency room 1 day after the onset of these symptoms. At that time, she (to complain) … generalized weakness and difficulty in speaking, swallowing, and holding her head upright. She was afebrile and manifested a normal level of consciousness. A psychogenic cause for her symptoms was suspected, and she (to refer) for psychiatric assessment. Antibiotic therapy was changed to clindamycin due … persistent purulent drainage from multiple gluteal and abdominal wall abscesses.

  3. … the following day, the patient's condition worsened with progressive cranial nerve symptoms and weakness of all extremities. She (to admit) for observation in a neurological ward. One day after this admission, she (to develop) respiratory arrest, after which she was intubated and transferred … an intensive care unit (ICU).

  4. … ICU admission, the patient was tetraplegic and had bilateral ptosis and facial paralysis but was fully conscious with intact sensorium. Lumbar puncture and brain-imaging studies not (to reveal) any pathological changes. An electromyogram showed a nonspecific pattern. A clinical diagnosis of wound botulism was made, but antitoxin was not administered due to the extended duration of symptoms before the diagnosis was considered. A tracheostomy (to perform) 2 days … ICU admission. A chest X- ray obtained after tracheal intubation showed right-lower-lobe infiltrates compatible with aspiration pneumonia, and antibiotic therapy cefuroxime (to start).

On , of , after, for, by, to , in, with , Upon, to

Exercise 10. Translate the following sentences into English:

  1. Відомо, що рана – це пошкодження шкіри, слизової оболонки чи глибокої тканини, що супроводжується болем та кровотечею і має вигляд зяючого отвору.

  2. Рани бувають: вогнепальні, різані, рубані, колоті, вдарені, рвані, вкушені, розміжчені.

  3. Вогнепальні рани виникають внаслідок кульового або осколкового поранення. Вони бувають: наскрізні, якщо є вхідні і вихідні ранові отвори; сліпі, якщо куля або осколок застряє у тканині тіла та дотичні, якщо куля або осколок пошкоджує шкіру і м’які тканини тіла, але не застряє в них.

  4. Різані і колоті рани мають невелику зону пошкоджень, рівні краї, стінки ран зберігають життєздатність, дуже кровоточать, менше піддаються інфікуванню.

  5. Колоті проникаючі рани при невеликій зоні пошкодження шкіри чи слизової оболонки можуть мати значну глибину і бути дуже небезпечними через пошкодження внутрішніх органів і занесення до них інфекції.

  6. Рубані рани бувають різної глибини, з удареними місцями і розміжченими м’якими тканинами тіла.

  7. Вкушені рани завжди інфіковані слиною.

  8. Рани можуть бути поверхневими або проникаючими в порожнину черепа, грудну клітку, черевну порожнину. Проникаючі рани найнебезпечніші.


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