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22. Repetition, its function. Parallel constructions, chiasmus

Repetition as a stylistic device aims at logical emphasis which is necessary to fix the attention of the reader on the key-word of the utterance. Repetition is classified according to compositional patterns. If the repeated word is at the beginning of 2 or more consecutive sentences, clauses or phrases we speak of anaphora. If the repeated unit is placed at the end – epiphora.

Repetition may also be arranged in the form of a frame: the repeated unit is repeated at the beginning and at the end of an extract. It is effective in singling out paragraphs.

Among other compositional models of repetition is linking or r e duplication (also known as -a n a d i p l о s i s). The structure of this device is the following: the last word or phrase of an utterance is repeated at the beginning of the next part.

Sometimes a writer may use the linking device several times in one utterance. This compositional pattern of repetition is also called chain-repetition.

The primary function of repetition is to intensify the utterance.

Root repetition – not the same words but the same roots are repeated.

Synonymical repetition the repetition of the same idea by using synonymous words and phrases which by adding a slightly different nuance of mean­ing intensify the impact of the utterance.

Synonymical repetitions are often treated negatively by critics. They object against pleonasm and tautology. Pleonasm is the use of more words in a sentence than are necessary to express the meaning; redundancy of expression.

Tautology is the repetition of the same statement; the repetition of the same word or phrase or of the same idea or statement in other words; It is usually treated as a defect, fault of style.

Nevertheless both pleonasm and tautology may be acceptable in oratory, they help the audience to grasp the meaning of the utterance.

Parallel construction

The necessary condition in parallel construction is identical, or similar, syntactical structure in two or more sentences or parts of a sentence in close succession.

Parallel constructions are often backed up by repetition of words (lexical repetition) and conjunctions and prepositions (polysyndeton). Pure parallel construction, however, does not depend on any other kind of repetition but the repetition of the syntactical design of the sentence. Parallel constructions may be partial or complete. Partial parallel arrangement is the repetition of some parts of successive sentences or clauses.

Complete parallel arrangement, also called balance, maintains the principle of identical structures throughout the corresponding sen­tences.

Parallel construction is most frequently used in enumeration, anti­thesis and in climax, thus consolidating the general effect achieved by these stylistic devices.

Parallel construction is used in different styles of writing with slightly different functions. When used in the matter-of-fact styles, it carries, in the main, the idea of semantic equality of the parts, as in scientific prose, where the logical principle of arranging ideas predomi­nates. In the belles-lettres style parallel construction carries an emotive function. That is why it is mainly used as a technical means in building up other stylistic devices, thus securing their unity.

Parallelism backs up repetition, allitera­tion and antithesis, rhetorical address and rhetorical questions.

In some cases parallelism emphasizes the similarity, in other cases parallel construction emphasizes diversity and con­trast of ideas.

Parallelism al­ways generates rhythm.

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