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Text I: Teachers’ Training Institutes (Pedagogical Institutes)

There are many pedagogical institutes in our country.

Students study for 5 years and get diplomas at the end of a course of studies.

The academic year is divided into 2 terms: terminal examinations are held at the end of each term.

The programme of study is based upon obligatory and optional subjects. History of Russia, Philosophy, Economics, Psychology, Principles of Pedagogy, Practice of Teaching, a Foreign Language and Physical Training are obligatory subjects for all faculties. Besides, students of each department study some special subjects.

Most students get a scholarship. Tuition at the Institute is free of charge. All students of pedagogical Institutes do training practice at school and in camps.

There is an extra-mural department at pedagogical institutes.

academic year

- учебный год

to be based upon

- основываться на чем-либо

course of studies

- период обучения


- отделение

extra-mural department

- заочное отделение

to do training practice

- проходить учебную практику

to be free of charge

- бесплатно

to hold (to be held)

- проводить (проводиться)

obligatory subjects

- обязательные предметы

optional subjects

- факультативные предметы


- философия


- экономика


- психология


- педагогика

principles of pedagogy

- основы педагогики


- педагогический

specialized subjects

- специальные предметы

a scholarship

- стипендия


- обучение

terminal examination

- семестровый экзамен

Text 2: Volgograd State Pedagogical University

Volgograd State Pedagogical University is one of the most popular educational establishments in our country. It was founded in 1931 as a Pedagogical Higher school. Since that time it has prepared thousands of teachers and has become one of the greatest scientific centres of methodical and pedagogical activi­ties in our country.

For the great contribution to the field of education the Institute was awarded the orders and in 1992 got the status of the Pedagogical University.

The University consists of many faculties. Some of them train teachers not in one but in two subjects such as mathematics and physics, biology and chemistry, geography and biology, Russian and literature etc. Graduates receive diplomas and can teach either one or two subjects in a secondary school.

The Students of the University have every opportunity for work and rest: modern laboratories, lecture-rooms, libraries, reading-halls, and hostels. There is also a students’ research society at the University, where the students can develop their creative thinking and are able to do their scientific work.

Volgograd State Pedagogical University has an efficient teaching staff. Among them there are Academicians, Doctors of Science, Candidates of Science. Only within the recent years hundreds of monographs, textbooks and academic works have been published by the scientists of the University. The results of research are used in the teaching process.

Volgograd State Pedagogical University is well-known not only in Russia, but in other countries as well. Many students from different countries study here.

methodical and pedagogical activities - методическая и педагогическая деятельность

contribution - вклад

to be awarded - быть награжденным

a students’ research society - студенческое научное общество

creative thinking - творческое мышление

efficient - квалифицированный

a teaching staff - преподавательский состав

scientific - научный

scientist - ученый

to train teachers - готовить учителей

secondary - средняя

academician - академик

Doctor of Science – доктор наук

Candidate of Science - кандидат наук

research – исследование

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