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The Article

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  1. a/an + ordinal numeral has the meaning "еще один

  2. also with: a dozen, a hundred, a thousand, a million, a pound, a week, an hour, a mile, - in the meaning "one".

  3. in some expressions:

a lot of, as a result, as a mat­ter of fact, as a rule, it's a pity, it's a pleasure, in a hurry, to go for a walk

She gave me a second cup of coffee.

We have English classes twice a week.

to have a good time/rest, to take a shower, to have a smoke, to give a call, for a while, to tell a lie, what a shame, in a week, a knife and fork, to catch (a) cold.

The article is a structural part of speech used with nouns.

The definite article is used:

There are two articles in Modern English: the indefinite a/an article used only with nouns in the singular (a book, an apple) and the definite the article used with nouns both in the singular and in the plural (the sun, the children).

The indefinite article is used:

1) with countable nouns in the Have you got a car? - Never. singular to show that the noun belongs to a certain class (has

I've bought a hat. It's expensive.

She is a doctor. He works as a pilot.

A drawing man catches at a straw.

Wait a minute!

There is a letter on the table.

the meaning of "какой-то. Give me a pen and a pencil, один из, любой")- In the plural please. no article is used in this case.

  1. with a countable noun men­tioned for (he first time.

  2. to talk about someone's job.

  3. with a noun in general sense (has the meaning of every, any).

  4. in the meaning of "one".

  5. after the construction: There

is.../was..., and after: It is .... ft is a book.

This is ... . This is a hotel.

  1. after the words: such, rather, Ann is such a pretty girl, quite. What...! (exclamations) What a strange person!

  2. with a noun modified by the I've read an interesting book. adjective in the positive de- Are you a good driver? gree.

  1. with a noun when it is clear in the situation which thing or person is meant, or with the noun mentioned before.

  2. also: the police, the army, the fire brigade, the bank, the post-office, the doctor,

* the dentist.

3^ when the noun is modified by a particularizing attribute (an of-phrasc or an attributive clause, always used in post position).

  1. when the noun denotes a thing unique (the sun, the earth, the moon, the uni­verse) or a class, an inven­tion, musical instruments.

  2. with the nouns modified by the adjective in the superla­tive degree and the ordinal numbers. But: a most - in the meaning весьма, крайне.

  3. with the adjectives: the fol­lowing, next, last, same, very, only. But: next year/time, last week/year.

Can you turn off the light please? Will you pass me the salt, please? We stopped at a village. The village was very old but nice.

The police are looking for the thief. John isn H well. He has gone to

the doctor.

He knocked at the door of the nearest house.

This is the flat that John bought. The apples I've bought weren 7 ripe.

The earth goes round the sun. A. Bell invented the telephone. Can you play the piano ?(dSttt play)

But: They bought a piano.

This is the best day in my life. Major Yuri Gagarin was the first man to circle the Earth. It's a most interesting film!

Answer the following questions. This is the only book on this problem. What is the next stop? But I saw him last week.

famous ones are: "... Hare and ... Tortoise", "... Lion and ... Mouse", "... Wolf in Sheep's Clothing". Many fables have ... animals as their main characters. However, ... people are also ... main characters in some of... Esop's fables.

The Farmer and his Sons

There was once ... old, dying farmer. Before he died he wanted to teach his three sons how to be ... good farmers. So he called them to him and said, "My boys, before I die I want you to know that there is ... great treasure buried in ... vine­yard. Promise me that you will look for it when I'm dead". ... sons promised and they began looking for ... treasure. They worked very hard in ... hot sun. In their minds they pictured ... boxes of ... gold coins, ... diamond necklaces and other things like that.

But they found not ... single penny. They were very upset. But then ... grapes started to appear on ... vines and their grapes were ... biggest and best in ... neighborhood and they sold them for ... lot of money. Now they understood everything and they lived happily and wealthy ever after.

... moral of ... story is;... hard work brings ... happiness and ... wealth.

... American Tourist in ... Britain

... man from ... California was spending ... month in ... Britain. One day he booked into ... hotel in ... Cheltenham, ... nice old town in ... west of England. Then he went out to look around ... place. But ... man didn't return to ... hotel. He dis­appeared, leaving ... suitcase full of clothes behind. ... police were called in, but they were unable to find out what had hap­pened to ... missing tourist. It was ... mystery.

But two weeks later ... man walked into ... police station in ... Cheltenham. He explained that he was very sorry, but while walking around ... town he had got lost. He had also forgotten ... name of ... hotel he had booked into. So he had decided to continue with his tour of ... country and had gone to visit ...

friend in Scotland before returning to pick up ... case he had left behind.

In Search of... Good Job

There is ... lot of unemployment in our days so it is getting more and more difficult to get ... kind of ... job you really want. Then you have to decide what is more important to you -how much you earn or ... job satisfaction. Do you want to work with your hands (called ... manual work) or do you prefer to work in ... office (called ... clerical work)? When you are thinking about ... career, or applying for... job, first of all you should go out and look for ... work instead of sitting around all day doing nothing.

Susan is ... teacher of ... English in ... state secondary school. She's ... graduate of ... Sussex University with degree in ... English Literature . When she graduated, she first worked in ... office but was bad at typing and soon got bored with ... job. She decided to teach, so she went to ... teacher training college. Susan teaches ... six different classes of ... children between ... age of 12 and 18. ... pupils enjoy her lessons, but she finds it ... hard work. She gives ... children ... lot of homework to do, and every evening she has to mark it and prepare for ... next day. One problem is that ... children in ... Susan's school don't be­have very well. They are often impolite. Susan and ... other teachers have to be very strict with them.

Susan's brother Harry is 21. He passed his school exams with ... good marks and left... school at 19. Now he is at... university. He is ... student and receives ... grant from ... state to help him -pay ... university fees and his personal expenses. He is very keen on ... mathematics and it will be useful to him in ... future. He works hard and enjoys his studies. ... university courses in ... Britain usually last for ... three years. After this, Harry hopes to graduate.... good degree will get him ... good job.

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